Oliver: Unite and join #thepussycatriot

Hi guys, Today I’m not just going to look pretty but I also want to show my support to the people behind #thepussycatriot. This is a very important campaign that asks all of us cats to unite against internet censorship! Unfortunately not all humans and cats are as lucky as we are and can’t enjoy […]

Product Review: Harringtons Cat Treats with Tuna

Hello readers~ We have recently received some amazing treats from Amazon for reviewing! This time its Mao’s and Snowball’s turn to review the goodies. Today we will be reviewing Harringtons TREAT range. As important as it is to feed our feline friends with quality dry food. Their treats also have to be healthy! We try […]

Tips & Tricks: 5 Tips for Adopting a Shelter Cat

Hi everyone, Today we have some Tips from our friends over at:. 5 Tips for Adopting a Shelter Cat By Dr. Tracy McFarland, a veterinarian and writer for Pets Best, a pet insurance company for dogs and cats. Adopting a cat or kitten should never be a spur-of-the moment decision. This is especially true when adopting a shelter […]

Jack & Vera: Hello again humans! We have grown! :D

Oliver: And another visit of our humans to Jack & Vera… They have grown so much! But I shall now let them talk for themselves. 🙂 Vera: Meow! Hello there human… Wait what are you doing – no photos :O! Vera: Fine! I will look extra cute for your photos. <3 Jack: You found me […]

Mews: The Maclaw Wheel for cats

Hi everyone, Some of you contacted us and asked about the wheel at Lady Dinah’s. Who makes it? Where can you get it? Of course we couldn’t sit by iddly and ignore your questions! Especially since we too are fascinated by this wheel! The cat wheel at Lady Dinah’s Cat cafe as seen in action […]

Oliver & Nubia : Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday Photo Entries so far + challenge!

Hi friends and followers! Please find below photos of participants of last weeks photo challenge and links back to their own Blogs: Photo by The Canadian Cats These two tummy beauties are from Teddy and Tottie. 🙂 And these beauties are from Three Cat Yard. And these two super special tummy pictures of Andy are […]


These two siblings cuddling up before nap time^^ no fighting! Arent they so lovable when they’re behaving? And heres a another photo before bedtime!  This rare occurrence usually only happens when its cold.  They both like their personal space otherwise,  and meow for each others food bowls…    Sharing?  Pffttt can’t always happen!  Life of having […]

Mews: The pussycat Riot – Cats against Cyber Censorship. #Cats united!

Join the fight! And watch this space Oliver, Nubia, Snowball and Mao will join these celebreties shortly. PUSSYCAT POWER Celebrity cats unite against Internet cyber censorship with #ThePussycatRiot They may be better known for their cute antics and providing endless LOLs to their legions of fans, but five of the world’s most famous internet cats […]

Guest Star: Transforming Teddy!

Hi everyone today we have a very special guest post from Teddy! Please find his story below: Hello, my name is Teddy. I’m an all white Manx kitty, my tail is just a stub. I have odd eyes, one blue and one gold. One ear is all kinked up with old battle scars. I’m around […]

Mews: Happy World Cat Day + dramatic cats gallery

Happy World Cat Day everyone! World Cat-Day, also known as Internation Cat-Day, is celebrated throughout the world on August 08, 2014. It was founded in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and other animal rights groups. The cat is a small, furry, domesticated, carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its […]

Nubia: DJing on the Scratching Deck – A fun feline review

Hi there friends and humans alike, It’s time for a fun product review with ME – Nubia! Today my humans got a HUGE parcel I wonder what new toy is in there for me. Oliver: *Shouts from the back* What if it is for me??? Nubia: What is it??? Can I go in there yet! […]

Guest Star: Lessons from Mr. Bailey; the wise zen cat

Hello readers, Today we have a guest post from Bailey! Please see his story below: This is Bailey, aka Mr. Bailey. He is a cute 4 year old boy, a Red-Pointed Siamese mix with big blue eyes that has graced my heart with his presence a few years back. He is very smart with his […]

Mews: Simon’s Cat Campaign on indiegogo (UPDATE)

The Simon’s Cat campaign on Indieogo for their first ever broadcast-length colour film has smashed UK crowdfunding records by successfully raising in excess of £290,000 / $490,000. The campaign has now entered the final stages and the hourly countdown on the world’s largest crowdfunding site Indiegogo.   So far over 9000 supporters have contributed amounts ranging between £1 […]

Oliver & Nubia : Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday and Katzenworld photo challenge!

Hi friends and followers! For today’s #TRT we would like to invite you all for a Blogroll photo challenge! The rules are simple. All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your furfriend on your own Blog and add the above photo at the bottom of your post. 🙂 (Doesn’t […]


Since I like to rampage around the neighbourhood keeping things in order and stuff,  I also come home covered in all kinds of things.  From mud,  sand,  grit even soaked sometimes!  My humans get really angry when I’m wet and muddy especially.  I dont see the problem,  I get to play finger painting all over […]

August Cat photo competition: Cats in boxes! Win a special drawing of your cat

  Hello everyone! Following on from our last event it is now time for our next photo competition. 🙂 We would like to ask you to submit your favorite picture of your cat in a box. We will choose our favorite cat picture of the submissions and the winner will receive the following prize: The […]

Cat Cafe: Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium Maclaw wheel in action!

It was this time of the month again and we went once again to Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium! This time we got really lucky and managed to even see the Maclaw wheel in action! (Did we mention that this wheel is on Oliver’s top wish list??? haha) If you missed our previous review click here […]


PARIS, July 31, 2014 – Two small guardians now watch over Oetker Collection’s Le Bristol Paris, a hotel that signifies the French art de vivre. Today, the Grand Palace hotel acquires a new resident, a female Birman cat named Kléopatre. Loving, affectionate, playful and delicate, Kléopatre was immediately adopted by Fa-Raon, the palace pasha himself. […]

Oliver & Nubia: WOW! What is this??? A cat? A Ninja? o.o

Hi there humans! Today we encountered something odd… Our humans got a new box but it was a little bit small for us and also had something that almost looked like me in stealth mode on it. 😀 Maybe a toy? Why would humans need toys anyway? They have us O.O” Oli: I might fit […]


Hello readers~ I have moved back to my healing camp,  its really hot today and there was an amazing breeze from the windows,  so my humans decided to take me out for a walk and some fresh air.  I’ve hurt my leg again,  i’m not very sure how,  but because of this my movements were […]

Shine on Award! Thank you Dezi :)

Hey  everyone, We hope you are all having a perfect Thursday! We recently received the Shine On Award from our friends over at Dezizworld. The rules of the award are: To mention the blogger that awarded you with it Nominating 15 other Bloggers. 😀 (So who has not yet been awarded this and would like […]

Guest Star: Fiona – One of the winners of our July photo competition

Meet one of the two winners of our July photo competition – Fiona! 🙂 Picture Artist: Yuki Chung Read his story written by her loving mum Mimi on how Fiona got to them. 🙂 Nine pm on a Tuesday evening, we heard a knock on our front door. Matt went to answer it, listened, closed […]

Oliver & Nubia: Michelle’s Weekly Pet challenge entry!

Oliver: Hi Michelle! This is my entry for your weekly challenge. 🙂 This is my summer residence as it is WAY too hote for the igloo at the moment. Nubia: And this is my entry! Wanna play? Pleeeeeeaassseeeeeeee come on play! 😀 Thanks again for inviting us to the weekly challenge Signed by His Meowjesty […]

Oliver: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday ! *video*

Hi friends and followers! For today’s #TRT we have a special video of ME Oliver and a cute photo 🙂 Don’t forget to watch the video of me in action! <3 And share pictures of your kitties on the linky! 🙂   Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief (in Cuddle times!)

Guest Star: Ronronthérapie by Martine!

Hello Katzenworld, I am Martine, creator of ronronthérapie page on Facebook. Ronronthérapie means “cat purr healing” in French. I started this page in 2013 when I lost my beloved Kitty, a ginger, awesome cat of 12 years, who was the greatest purring cat ever. Kitty used to sleep absolutely every night above my head, on […]