Mews: Stray cat befriends lynx after sneaking into its zoo enclosure

The oldest and second biggest zoo in Russia is home to a very unlikely friendship between two quite different felines. Employees at the Leningrad Zoo in St. Petersburg noticed that a stray stray cat was sneaking into the zoo in it’s hunt for food. The cat eventually made her way into the enclosure of an […]

Oliver: Blasts from the past – My first Christmas

Hello humans and fellow furiends 🙂 It is time for another blast from the past with your favourite Tuxedo cat! Yes ME Oliver! 😀 This time I want to tell you about our first Christmas with the humans. They bought us this gigantic amazing cat calendar! We loved the presents in it but even better […]

Cat photo competition TWO WINNERS announced!

Hello everyone! Thank you all for taking part in our photo competition! It certainly wasn’t an easy choice and if we could we would have chosen you all :D! (But I don’t think our artist would have liked us very much!) Since we had soooo many of you taking part in this, we convinced our […]

Cat Cafe: Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium in London second visit! :)

So Thursday evening we went for a second visit to Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium. 🙂 We first went in May and the complete review of the previous visit can be found here. As before, it was an amazing visit! Totally enjoyed it and well worth coming back for again, and again, AND AGAIN!!! 😀 If […]

BOSS CAT! Confessions from the “Lost Cat” WAS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!

Dear Readers~ I have a confession to make. On the day of “Adventures in the car”, we actually traveled for 50 minutes away from home. It was a lovely sunny day. I saw a lot of amazing new things during the journey. ^^ There was a lot of scaffolding on the way! I LOVE SCAFFOLDING!!My […]

Oliver: My mouseeeeeey! Toy, friend, Prey? You choose!

Have I ever told you how much I love my mousey? I can chase it! Bite it! Lick it! Cuddle with! Sooooo many things I can do with it o.o” Tasty purrrr Noooo don’t walk away little mousey…. Come here will you! Got you! muhahahaha Getting sleepy now. And why does my head feel funny… […]

Oliver: Another late gaming night…

*Yawn* So the humans had another one of their late night boardgame nights… But why do they make sooooo much noise. And uuuuh light in the middle of the night what? Can’t you see I am trying to sleep??? *Growls* Turn the light off it’s late… so very late! XD Fine humans… I’ll just hide my head: […]

Guest stars: A day in the life of Farrah J. Faucet

Farrah J. Faucet was born near Philadelphia, PA approximately 5 years ago. It is believed that her early years were spent in captivity in a breeding mill for Persian cats. After a daring escape she found her current Human caretakers lived in their bathroom for a week before opting to become part of the family. […]

Mews: Kat Purroblems Amazing picture collection!

This was originally posted on our friends blog Hairballexpress which you can find by clicking here. 🙂 People think we kats don’t have purroblems but that’s not true – we have lots of purroblems.  Here’s a few examples; 1.) Paying fur damages. 2.) Your soul mate turns out to be just a reflection. 3.) Waiting […]

Guest Star: Freddie – The naughty Moggie

Dear Katzenworld, Here is a picture of Freddie. He’s a naughty Moggie. But very spoilt. He’s 9 months old. Brief Profile Name: Freddie Age: 9 months Pet Human: Jessica Phillips Freddie’s Story I got him for my 20th birthday and got him on November the 2nd 2 days before my birthday , I went to […]

Book Review: Dear Lucky – Letters to our cat by David Williamson

Hello everyone, Today we are going to have a quick look at what we thought was a little gem of cat stories. 🙂 We are talking about “Dear Lucky – Letters to our cat” by David Williamson. The book is about the story of a very lucky rescued kitten–his luck in being rescued on a […]

Guest stars: The story of the “6 Racker vom Wagrain”

Hello my name is Bolle and I want to tell you the story of the  “6 Racker vom Wagrain”, (This is me! :D) I am 6 years old (Also the oldest cat of the group! :D) and how we all got together with our family! 🙂 July 2008 my now family (Mummy + Daddy and […]

Oliver & Nubia: Good morning world (cute pictures await :D)

Hello there fellow felines and humans! So it’s a rather sunny day here in London and the humans just left for work. (why do humans work anyway??? Isn’t it much better to sleep and play all day?) Well anyway! Look ain’t we cute (and lazy 0:) And even more close up cuteness of us 🙂 […]

Mews: Cat adopts ducklings! (Video inside) As seen on the BBC series “Animal Odd Couples”

Wildlife biologist and host Liz Bonnin finds a cat who adopts three ducklings shortly after giving birth to kittens. The new mother now has a litter of six babies (three kittens and three ducklings) to look after. Thanks to this sweet mother cat, these 3 baby ducklings have a warm and loving place to call […]

Cat photo competition reminder :) (Plus many cute photos await in this post!)

Hello everyone! This is just a little reminder if you haven’t submitted your cat photo for our cat competition yet the deadline is the 5th of July. The winner will receive their cat drawn as a cartoon cat in front / on top of their favourite place and will also receive a special biography feature […]