Jack & Vera: Special Moments together <3

Hi everyone, Today we have a special recap of all the moments together of Jack & Vera! Jack & Vera: When we were little! Jack & Vera: With almost matching color bags 😉 Jack & Vera: Inside our scratch tree! Jack & Vera: On the sofa! Jack & Vera: And on the bed! Jack & Vera: Have […]

Oliver: The cutest cat from here to Mexico!

That silly mouse from Mexico was yesterday! Today it’s time for me your cute little Tuxedo cat – Oliver <3 Doing some cat-Yoga =D Using that silly cube toy the humans bought as a pillow <3 (Much more useful this way than it being a toy don’t you agree!) And a close-up sleepy picture just […]

Mews: The country in which we are allowed to drive cars!

Oliver: OMC. Nubes!!! Have you seen the photos of the humans from the far away country of Germany??? Nubia: Nope? Why! Have they brought some more cheese rollies snacks back *happy tail-flap and drooling* @_@ Oliver: No. But we are allowed to drive in that country! Nubia: Riiiiiight… Oli… Show me your eyes! Have you […]

Guest Star: Buzz the Fuzz

In February of 2014, Buzz was rescued from filth with 39 German Shepherds. Conditions inside the home were so horrific, that the investigators and officers had to open all windows and doors in order to breathe. Buzz is a long haired Siamese/Persian mix. Buzz was neglected. Buzz had to be shaved. Thankfully, CGHS took good […]

Product Review: Jolly Moggy by Rosewood Sparkle Cat Collar Review

This collar was very well made, the material is really solid and I’m sure it’s durable enough to last a few months at least. Mao seems to find it comfortable, I’ve had no crazy meows like when we tried the flea collar. That may be because it doesnt smell though or stick to her fur […]

Book Review: ALFIE – The Doorstep Cat

Hi everyone, Today we have another very special book that we were lucky to get our hands on! The book in question? ALFIE – The Doorstep Cat by Rachel Wells! The book begins with how Alfie looses his elderly owner and their family is left behind to decide what to do with poor Alife. Based […]

Mews: Ardnamurchan scottish wildcat ‘safe haven’ set up

Hi everyone, After a previous post on wild cats in Europe (you can find this one here) we actually did some research to find out if there any of those left in the UK and there are! We found the below article on Wildlife Extra: A Scottish wildcat sanctuary has been created on the Ardnamurchan […]

Mews: MEOW – A book of happiness for cat lovers

Hi everyone, On the 27th of October Anouska Jones a cat loving book editor will be releasing her latest book! The book is called MEOW: A book of happiness for cat lovers ?The book comes in a Hard back format and has super high quality glossy photo pages. Each page of the book contains an […]

Oliver & Nubia: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday Latest photos + ongoing challenge! (Week 12)

Hi friends and followers! It is time for Week 12 of tummy rub tuesday! 😀 (To find out how to enter your own cats please scroll down to the bottom of the post or to make it easier for you leave a comment with a link to your photo!) This weeks entrances are below: We found […]

Oliver: Cuddle times!

Oi! You human! What are you doing!!!! That’s not what I want I need some belly rubs *purr* Pretty please? I promise I won’t bite <3! And don’t forget to enter your own tummy photo shots for tomorrow’s tummy rub tuesday by leaving a comment here with a link to your entry or sending us […]

Nubia: What you want this back???

Nubia: *Yawn* Oh hi there friends! 🙂 So you have come to join me? <3 Nubia: What YOU want the sofa all for yourself??? 🙁 Nubia: No so sorry but I am too exhausted to move – you will have to curl up in the corner ;D Signed by Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber […]

Oliver: She won’t get them up here!

Oliver: Wooohoo my toy collection will be safe up here from Nubes. 😀 No more slobbery over my toys. :p Oliver: Mouse? check! Two teddies? check as well! Oliver: *purr* zzzZzzzZzzzZ… Oliver: *Wakes up* I feel like I forgot something o.o” Nubia: Yes Mr smart-cat I CAN climb up there you know… Signed by His […]

Product Review: Thrive Cat 100% Beef Treats MaxiTube + Nubia the snap dragon ;)

Hi everyone, While on the lookout for tasty but healthy snacks we came across Thrive cat treats. Nubia loves freeze dried meat and the Thrive beef  sure are niw on the top of her list. We bought the MaxiTube which contains 110 gram of the beef cubes! (Certainly best value for money if you know […]

BOSSCAT! Today I am all about the steampunk goggles!

Today I am all about the steampunk goggles!  Super hero on another level~ How do you like this look? Or maybe this ones better?  Or maybe I should stick with the more traditional  hero look?! Hmmm…  Must…  Find…  Better…  Outfit…  To.. Fight…  Crime..  In!! T. T

Mews: Undercats: Humans turned Cat by Magnani!

Hi everyone, Today we found a rather interesting collection of art! Sebastian Magnani from Szwitzerland created this personal project called Undercats. Here he photoshoped the photos of cat owners to resemble their feline friends and for comparison you can see the BEFORE and AFTER! The artist had to travel all across Switzerland in order to visit […]

Oliver & Nubia: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday Latest photos + ongoing challenge! (Week 11)

Hi friends and followers! You know it is a happy day when it is TUMMY RUB TUESDAY TIME and we are now in week 11. Wow who would have though that!! 😀 Please share this wonderful day with your friends and let us get more entries for next week when ever before. 🙂 (To find […]


I am….  SUPERCAT!  I managed to rummage through my humans belongings and found all the necessary essentials for my new costume!  Completely in disguise!  You didnt recognise me did you?  Keke~~ With this, the foxes wont ever know what hit them!  Mwuahahahaha!  Be warned…. I’m being serious here…  (We didnt really let him outdoors looking […]

Tips & Advice: Reduce stress in your cats environment + live Q&A with experts

Hi everyone, Following on from the recent CATS Protection post of their appearance in the BBC show please find below some handy tips around how to reduce stress for your cat. 1. Try not to overly stroke or cuddle a cat which is showing signs of stress as it can make it worse. 2. Always […]

Oliver: The scratch tree ball!

Oliver: I used to love this scratch tree ball! Oliver: To fling it around. Oliver: And to catch it again. 😀 Oliver: You are asking what happened to the ball? I wore it out. 🙁 Would one of you be able to find me a new one? <3 Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the […]

Guest Star: Venus the amazing Chimera Cat

Meet another one of our guest stars! Her name is Venus and she has got the worlds most fascinating cat face 😀 This tortoiseshell not only has two different colored eyes but also has two very different fur colors split exactly down the middle of her face. Because of her amazing and rare appearance she has received the nickname Chimera cat. It is at […]

Product Review: Andrew James 90 day pet feeder

When I was asked to review this 90 Day pet feeder my first thought was “Why would anybody leave their pet(s) alone for 90 days?”  My second thought when it arrived was, “It’s huge!” Well, I guess it has to be if it’s going to last a whole 90 days. The parts were very easy […]