Guest stars: A Poem to Jerry (includes audio)

Hello everyone, Today we have a special poem from Ali to Jerry the tuxedo cat. “Jerry a tuxedo cat, is always dressed for dinner. The elder-statesmen of our home he is particularly fond of turkey, cheese, tuna and the poetry of T.S Eliot. He suffered a devastating loss of his friend Ed 5 years ago, but […]

Mews: Behind the scenes video of Simon’s Cat new film

Hey guys, Here is a quick behind the scenes video of Simon’s Cat Off to the Vet  film. 😀 if you have missed our previous post here is the whole story of his indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. And to find the campaign itself and back it click here. So what are your thoughts on the movie […]


Fake Scottish fold mode! What just happened o.O” (Note: My humans have all been obsessing over scottish folds,  this isnt the first time I’ve been forced to go into fake scottish fold mode. I guess if it amuses them then I’m fine with it. Plus if i can go into fake scottish fold mode they […]

Mews: Simon’s (real) Cat – Teddy Goes Missing! *Happy Ending*

Hi everyone, So you probably already know that we are big fans of Simon’s Cat so when we got this story through from his Blog the other day we just had to re-blog it here for you all! Don’t forget to check out Simon’s crowd-funding campaign for the Simon’s Cat in ‘Off to the Vet’ which we […]

Oliver & Nubia: Happy #TRT everyone

Hello friends! So you have come for Tummy Rub Tuesday have you? Oliver: Sorry way too hot for that atm! Nubia: Don’t be mean Oli! It’s #TRT only once a week! And this would make our friend the oreo cat upset! 🙁 Oliver: Nope I am going to sleep Nubes. Nubia: Fine… *roar* Nubia: *Purr* […]

Mews: Owner surprised to find cat regularly catches bus

Came across this article through a friend and while it is a bit older we thought it was an amazing story to share! A pet cat named Dodger is living up to his name – by catching free bus trips from his home town. The ginger moggy, who was named after the Artful Dodger from […]

Mews: In Parade TODAY 20th of July – The Truth about Cats and Dogs

Hey everyone, Please find below some details and an excerpt of this sunday’s Parade magazine. Shame we are not in the US or I would pick one up. 😀 They’re cute, loyal, and charming.  But what’s really going on inside those furry little heads?  Parade went to the experts (the human kind!) for the answers.  Excerpts below: If men are from […]

Jack & Vera : Small! Mischievous! And… CUTE :)

Oliver: So my humans went to see their friends a while ago to visit them and meet their new (at the time little) kitten! Oliver: OMC! So jealous that little ginger boy climbed on MY human :O! His name is Jack btw. Oliver: Got to admit though that he does look very cute… Oliver: Why […]

Oliver: Look, Simba! Everything the light touches…

…is part of our kingdom! Nubia: Oli… Oliver: Ya Simba? Oliver: I think you will find my name is Nubia. What are you on again!!! Oliver: Of course I remember your name Sim… Nubia! Sorry been watching too much TV. 😉 Nubia: =.=” You are killing me! Time to go for another nap lol. Signed […]

Guest Star: Boomer – One of the winners of our photo competition

Meet one of the two winners of our photo competition – Boomer! 🙂 Picture Artist: Yuki Chung Read his story written by his loving mum Barb on how Boomer and his family found each other. 🙂 Boomer was found soaking wet and hanging by a weed in a canal in South Weber, Utah, on August […]

Mews: Why Pets make us happy! Infographic

Hello everyone, Please find below this very interesting Infographic from Happify and the Psychologists at Miami University (And not how cats won slightly ahead of dogs :D): So what is your favourite pet? 😉 Hope you enjoyed this and more details can be found @ Happify Thanks, Katzenworld

Mews: Simon’s Cat Indiegogo Film Campaign! OMC!

Hello everyone, We just came accross the fantastic news that Simon’s Cat is planning a FILM and is running a campaign on indiegogo for this. 🙂 The film is going to be called Simon’s cat in off to the vet (Who of us can’t feel for him there?) YouTube introduction for the campaign and […]

Oliver & Nubia: Happy Tummy Rub Tuesday #TRT

Good Morning friends! We hope you are having a pawesome day. 🙂 Oli: Tickle me – I promise I won’t scratch!!!! ;O Nubia: Tummy Rub Tuesday with my favourite human’s leg <3 (By the way humans.. Don’t worry Oli can’t scratch you AT ALL at the moment – he just had his claws clipped back […]

Guest Star: Miss Dixie – Calico Power!

Hello Katzenworld,     I’m Miss Dixie from Alabama. I lived in a grocery store parking lot for the first 8 months of my life – dodging cars and eating out of dumpsters. I lived a lonely life – sleeping during the day behind the coke machines and only coming out at night for food. Fast […]

Mews: Stray cat befriends lynx after sneaking into its zoo enclosure

The oldest and second biggest zoo in Russia is home to a very unlikely friendship between two quite different felines. Employees at the Leningrad Zoo in St. Petersburg noticed that a stray stray cat was sneaking into the zoo in it’s hunt for food. The cat eventually made her way into the enclosure of an […]

Oliver: Blasts from the past – My first Christmas

Hello humans and fellow furiends 🙂 It is time for another blast from the past with your favourite Tuxedo cat! Yes ME Oliver! 😀 This time I want to tell you about our first Christmas with the humans. They bought us this gigantic amazing cat calendar! We loved the presents in it but even better […]