Cute Alert: Happy Valentines Day From Cleo!

Wishing you a Happy Valentines Day from the cutie Cleo. Don’t forget to spoil your pets this Valenties, and keep all human treats such as chocolate out of reach! For more blog posts from Contributor Rachel Mullaney, check out her blog A Geordie Lost in London at 

Guest Star: Diavolo

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Diavolo: Ciao a tutti! Allow me to introduce myself: mi chiamo il Diavolo. Thanks (or grazie) to my pet human, Michelle, I am becoming bilingual or I guess that should be trilingual as I understand English, un piccolo italiano and of course I understand and speak cat. For […]

Guest Post: Kat 9 Special News Report

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from our busy reporter Shrimp from hairballexpress: Greetings Humans, Fleabags, and Furballs.  I have interrupted my usual exciting activities to bring you this SPECIAL REPORT: IRS HIRES KATS TO SPY ON TAX CHEATERS Sources  at the IRS have just confirmed that the InFURnal Revenue Service is now facing budget cuts, so […]

Zelda: Cat toilet “Poo Poo Pee Do” by SinDesign

Hello everyone! (This post is also available in German on Katenworld Deutschland by clicking here) It is your favourite kitten Zelda here for a fun product review today! I had a great week and a GIANT parcel arrived the other day 😀 This meant a lot of fun for me of course as I LOVE […]

Contest: Caption this by Kool Kitty toys Week 4

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Kool Kitty Toys are now in their 4th week of the Caption it contest. To enter just leave a comment on this post and I will forward all our captions to them. Winning Caption will get: * 2 Kool Kitty Toys Stylus Pens * 1 Kool Kitty Toys Magnet * 1 […]

Angel’s Eyes: Cat’s Yoga

I think it’s very important to get exercise whenever you can especially being a cat! I would like to tell you that I exercise daily. I run and play ball but I love to do Yoga. I can teach you my yoga moves if you would like, but I will have to show you instead […]

Giveaway – UK: The Purrfect box THIRD 2015 giveaway

Hello everyone, We once again at a great amount of entries over the last 2 weeks and the winner for the last round is: Cathy Please congratulate her and we will let the Purrfect box team know to get this out to you asap! If you haven’t been lucky yet, don’t worry we have 3 more chances for a […]

Guest Post: Four of the best cardboard creations for your cat

All cat owners know that feeling – you see an amazing bed or home for your furry friend at the pet store only to have your precious kitty turn her nose up at it when you bring it home. Then moments later, you find her nestled up in an old cardboard box. There seems to […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 28)

Hello everyone, Welcome to our latest Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh an if you haven’t yet subscribed to our newsletter yet why not sign upt by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 Choosing photos for TRT is getting increasingly difficult! I have gone up to 10 photos per week now and still haven’t managed […]

Contest: Caption this by Kool Kitty Week 2 Winner announced

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Kool Kitty Toys have just announced the winner for the week 2 caption contest that we posted about here. The Winner of last week is Trinity G. from California!! Kool Kitty toys will be sending her these AWESOME Kool Kitty Toys items: * 2 Kool Kitty Toys Stylus Pens * 1 Kool […]

Mews: Wells Cathedral Follow-up on the life of Louis and the intruder!

Hi everyone, Some of you may remember our post here about the local intruder at Well’s Cathedral that decided to take over part of the territory of the local resident. Our regular readers Wendy was so kind to take her iPad to get us some photos as to how the kitties are getting on in their now […]

Oliver & Nubia: Sketch by Bea Gifted

Hi everyone, Today we have a very special drawing for you all. Our two favourite kitties (don’t let all our other cats hear we said that. 😉 ) Oliver & Nubia have been drawn by a very talented friend of ours Bea Gifted! What do you guys think? 🙂 I for one am thinking of getting […]

Mews: Dreaming cats by Takashi Masaki

Hi everyone, Today we have another set of cats from Takashi for you. Today’s set? SLEEPING cats! 🙂 Once assembled the kitties can face each other in a miniature bed with little socks and bedding. 🙂 Now isn’t this just adorable? We thought these were very cute and an ideal present for cat lovers! Now we […]

Guest Star: Hunter and Friends

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Hunter and Friends: Hunter is a rescued, purebred, original breed of the Persian cat, commonly known as the doll-faced Persian. He’s also a special needs kitty because he only has 3 legs and lives with the threat of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Yes, he’s a little tri-pod kitty, but it doesn’t […]

Product Review: BlackHole Litter Mat

Hi everyone, Since our two kitties are both indoors only, the issue of litter trays has always been at the forefront. We’ve tried different types of trays, litter and of course mats to trap litter track. Oli and Nubes both seem to like jumping out of the litter tray which usually means a wave of […]

Guest Post: More Cat Health Tips from Ellen Pilch

In my last post, I shared some tips relating to cat health that I had recently learned. I was happy to see by the comments that this was new information for some and indeed helpful. I figured I would share a few more tips. Once again, I apologize for the repetition to those that regularly read 15andmeowing, […]

Contest: Caption this by Kool Kitty toys Week 3

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Kool Kitty Toys are running a pawesome CAPTION THIS CONTEST!!! 🙂 This is the week 3 contest! To enter just leave a comment on this post and I will forward all our captions to them. Winning Caption will get: * 2 Kool Kitty Toys Stylus Pens * 1 Kool Kitty Toys Magnet […]

Angel’s Eyes: A Box can make you Smile

Hello again, If you have a moment I would sure like to share with you what a box can do. I know you already know that a box can hold stuff like soda like this box I’m in now. But they can be used for all kind of things. I have one use for boxes […]

Mews: How to be a cat! ;)

Hi everyone, In case your cat doesn’t know HOW to be a cat here are some cute and funny cartoons to instruct him / her. 😀 These have been posted on Facebook by How 2 be a cat. Btw for new visitors please sign up to our Newsletter by clicking here. So which one of […]

Contest: Caption this by Kool Kitty Week 1 Winner announced

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Kool Kitty Toys have just announced the winner for the week 1 caption contest that we posted about here. The Winner of last week is Brian P. from Virginia!! Kool Kitty toys will be sending him these AWESOME Kool Kitty Toys items: * 2 Kool Kitty Toys Stylus Pens * […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 27)

Hello everyone, Welcome to our latest Tummy Rub Tuesday! if you haven’t yet subscribed to our weekly newsletter why not sign upt by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 We had so many entries this week that some of them have been added to next week’s post! We just thought if we add […]

Cat Travel: Cats of Nagasaki – 長崎市 Part 3

Hi everyone, This is the last of our posts in the Nagasaki photos collection. In case you missed the kittens from last time these can be found here. In our last section of Nagasaki photos we went to see Glover Garden which is a park built for the Scottish merchant Thomas Blake Glover who helped […]

Contest: Caption this by Kool Kitty toys Week 2

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Kool Kitty Toys are running a pawesome CAPTION THIS CONTEST!!! 🙂 This is the week 2 comment contest! To enter just leave a comment on this post and I will forward all our captions to them. Winning Caption will get: * 2 Kool Kitty Toys Stylus Pens * 1 Kool Kitty […]

Guest Star: Cookie

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Cookie: Hi My name is Cookie, and I’m a 5 year old domestic semi-long-haired (DSLH) fluffy lad. The first two years of my life were very mixed: my first human after leaving my mum was an older gentleman, who although well intentioned couldn’t play with me as much […]

Mews: The top cat names in the USA – #1 is Oliver!

Hi everyone, You may remember our post a few weeks back about the top cat names in the UK which you can find here. Well today we are looking at the top US names! These have been captured by Pets Best Insurance. And Oliver is SOOOO proud of the outcome of this list! (Apparently he […]

Product Review: Forever Litter Tray for PetSafe® ScoopFree™ Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Hi everyone, A couple of months ago we reviewed the excellent Petsafe Scoop Free litter tray. One of the things which worried us was the disposal of the litter cartridge at the end of use (in our case every couple of weeks as we have 2 kitties). Although the idea of just taking the bottom […]

Angel’s Eyes: Watching the neighbors……

I’m sorry I haven’t been around ,but I’ve been a little busy. I have been watching the neighbors. I know what you are thinking , but you can’t judge me until you have heard my story. Okay, I’ll tell you the story, but you have to promise not to judge me.. Okay here it goes… […]

Giveaway – UK: The Purrfect & Pawesome box SECOND 2015 chance

Hello everyone, We had an unbelievable amount of entries for last week’s competition and our winner for last week is: Heather – please check your inbox as we will need your address. 😉 Please congratulate her and we will let the Purrfect box team know to get this out to you asap! But don’t worry […]

Billy The Time Cat: The food in my bowl!

In my first post of this year I told you about my diabetes and our rituals mom and I have. An other aspect of getting the diabetes under control was food. One thing I can tell you I ate amounts of food you could not believe, mom filled up my dry food and a few […]