Angel’s Eyes: Freshpet Select Review

I want to tell you about this New Cat Food Product that I received called, Freshpet Select. It is a line of freshly prepared meals. According to the company, each recipe only includes select ingredients like high protein meats and eggs, and vegetables. The cat food contains no grains, although it does contain some pea […]

Giveaway Winners: Tails of a Country Garden by Phil Janes

Giveaway Winners: Tails of a Country Garden by Phil JanesHi everyone, Following on from our giveaway over the last two weeks for: We would just like to quickly announce the winners. 😀 For the UK entries the winner is Jenni. For the International entries the winner is FriendtheCat and human companion Mara. Please join us […]

Guest Post: Coping with a cat with bladder crystals

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Leah and her cat Frazzle. Having had a to deal with a cat with bladder crystals I thought you would like to hear my experiences to help you deal with this situation if it arises. Bladder crystals become an emergency when they get stuck as they block the […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 36)

Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 Please find below the photos for everyone who entered this week: Who says you can’t demand tummy rubs on hard surfaces?! This […]

Cat Travel: The Algonquin Hotel’s Matilda the Cat

My husband and I recently had the pleasure of staying at The Algonquin Hotel, home of Matilda the cat. I have wanted to stay there for years knowing that I could ha a cat to visit  when I was on vacation, but was afraid it would be too costly. Luckily, it was off-season and they […]

Angel’s Eyes: My first Easter Basket!

Oh my gosh, I’m so excited, Its Easter! I woke up this morning and before I even think about breakfast I see this basket full of cat toys and treats. Mom and dad says it’s for me!! Really? All for me!?! I’ve never had my own Easter Basket before! I really don’t know what to […]

Oliver & Nubia: A sunny and peaceful day… or so they thought!

Hi friends! We are enjoying this nice sunny day on the top of our scratch tree which you may have seen here previously. 😀 Nubia: From up here I can see the WHOLE world! Oliver: I am quite happy down here in the box… 🙂 Oliver & Nubia: What was that noise! Oliver: We are […]

Mews: #PetsInPortraits Book Review and Competition Reminder

Hello everyone, With only days to go until the closure of the #PetsInPortraits competition we thought it would be a good idea to have a sneak peak at the book behind the competition! The book is filled with over 80 photos of portraits that feature not just our favourite felines but also other animals. 🙂 For each […]

Guest star: Creekview Carol

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post introduce you to Creekview Carol and his family. Please find their post below. Hi,my name is Carol. I live with a very “interesting” bunch. A few months ago I started a blog to share my many observations. And now that it’s going well, some of my siblings want to use MY blog as […]

Tips: 5 Signs Your Cat May have Allergies

Hi everyone today’s advice post comes from Dr. Eva Evans, a veterinarian and writer for Pets Best, a pet insurance company for cats and dogs.  Spring is here, and with it comes allergy season. People aren’t the only species affected by allergies. Many mammals, including your cat or dog, can have allergy-related issues as well. These five signs could mean […]

Oliver & Nubia: Snack & Playtime

Hello everyone, It’s Oliver here! Today the humans got us a SlimCat Ball from PetSafe (Are they trying to say I am getting fat???). The ball was filled with these super tasty herbal treats from Verm-X so of course I wanted to go straight in there… Oliver: Come on humans unpack it so I can […]

Angel’s Eyes: Loving my Life Outdoors

Hello my friends, I would like to tell you about why I love to play outdoors. I know a lot of kitties are not as lucky as I am because they don’t get to play outside. So I want to tell you why it’s important to me to go outside. First off I want to […]

Giveaway: London Pet Show 9th – 10th of May 2015 Part 2

Hello everyone, The first winner of a pair of tickets is: Clare E. Please congratulate her! 🙂 For those of you that haven’t won, this week we are giving away TWO pairs of tickets! So come on and enter everyone. 😀 Best of luck from our London Pet Show companion: To enter for your own chance […]

Happy April Fool’s Day!

Hello everyone, We wish you a happy April the 1st and hope you haven’t had to many jokes gone wrong today. 😉 To brighten up your day here is a cute cat artwork! 😀 What was the best or worst joke that happened to you on a April Fool’s day? ;o Picture credit: Pinterest Thanks, […]

Guest Post: Does your cat need a toy-tervention

Hi everyone, Today we are featuring another guest story from our friends over at Boxes2Move! They have based this on their current human campaign for which you can find more details at the bottom of the post. 🙂 Does your cat have more belongings than you?  you constantly find yourself tripping up over toy mice when […]

Book Review: Kittens are A**hoels by Kaj Graham

Hi everyone, Today we are looking at the book Kittens are A**holes by Kaj Graham. About the book: Kittens blind us with their adorable, cuddly, snuggly, and oh so sweet appearance. This is all a ploy to get us to fall in love and adopt them. We fall under their magical spell and forget about all […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 35)

Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 We have had a LOT of photo submissions this week – don’t worry if you don’t see yours this week, we WILL […]

Nubia: Yes…?

Hello? Have you come to give me a treat? 😀 So where is it? Surely you wouldn’t approach a royal highness without an offering of gratitude? How about giving me some belly tickles instead when? <3 I know I am a day early for Tummy Rub Tuesday… but pleeeeeasseeeee. 😀 And don’t forget to sign […]

Angel’s Eyes: The drawing of me! <3

Hello everyone, I have something amazing to tell you! Thomas Dalsgaard Clausen from One Drawing Daily created a lovely drawing of me last week. 😀 I am sure you will agree with me that he is very talented and you should pay him a visit here. Maybe he will even draw you! 🙂 He also has a […]

Cat Travel: Cat Cafe てまりのおうち (Temarinoouchi) Part 3

Hi everyone, Here is part 3 in our series of photos for the Cat Cafeてまりのおうち (Temarinoouchi). If you have missed the previous post you can find it here. Today we have a medley of cute kitties from Japan for you and are also looking at what we had for lunch haha! 🙂 Oh and before we get […]

The Poetry Challenge!

Hello everyone! Some of you may be aware that we have been challenged by Cats at the Bar to write a poem! The rules were simple – write a 10 line poem involving the word “Love”. Of course my own skills at poetry would have caused the world as we know it to end (dramatic […]

Guest star: Gussy the 3rd

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post introduces Gussy the 3rd to you. Please find his post below. Hi izz Gussy here.  I am an exotic shorthair cat with a pretty privileged lifestyle. Just over a year ago izz came to life with my fur sister Nina and my doggy schnauzer sister Roxy. We live in sunny hot […]

Oliver: Best use for freshly washed clothes?

Of course as resting place to sleep on it! Rolling around on it and spreading my hair all over it is part of this very important process of breaking in the freshly washed clothes! Oops I have been spotted!!! But surely I am allowed to do this? <3 Don’t forget to sign up for our […]

Mews: An unbearably cute donation

Hi everyone, We got this amazing cute photo story from our friends over at Cats Protection and just had to share it with you!!! Over 300 teddies donated by a cat lover to the UK’s leading feline welfare charity, Cats Protection, will be sold to raise funds to help unwanted kitties across the UK. Pictures […]

Angel’s Eyes: My Petbox

Angel’s Eyes: My PetboxAngel’s Eyes: My PetboxI can’t believe it! I received this Petbox in the mail today all the way from San Diego, California. It came for me so I can tell all my friends about this fabulous company and what they do. Well not just me, they can make these boxes for other cats and even […]

The Purrfect box 5th and final spring winner announced

Hello everyone, We would like to congratulate our final winner of the Spring giveaway for the Purrfectbox giveaway: speedyrabbit! Speedy entered for his cousin Guinevere an 8 year old british blue! Please congratulate her and we will let the Purrfect box team know to get this out to you asap! Speedy please send us some photos when her […]

Guest Post: Saying Good-Bye and Saying Hello…

SAYING GOOD-BYE AND SAYING HELLO: When is the right time to get another cat after pet loss? By BJ Burman Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson said: ‘Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. And I have to say I agree with him. It is devastating to lose the cat […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 34)

Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 Please find below the photos for everyone who entered this week: Another cute entry of Ember from Mercurial Forte! 🙂 Meet Carmen […]

International Giveaway: Tails of a Country Garden by Phil Janes

Hi everyone, Following on from our Review of Tails of a Country Garden by Phil Janes we have some great news for you! We are now hosting an awesome giveaway for TWO copies of his book. So Two lucky readers will have the chance to win a one of the below books each. 🙂 Just […]

Mews: Meow Parlour, NYC’s First Cat Cafe

My husband and I recently had the pleasure of visiting  Meow Parlour, NYC’s first ( and so far only) cat cafe. Cat   have been around in Japan since the 1990’s but are finally catching on in other parts of the World including the USA and Canada. We live 3 and a half hours from NYC […]