Infographic: The Benfits of Pets @ Work

Hi everyone, Today we would liek to share this cute infographic on the benefits of Pets @ Work with you! The infographic was kindly provided by Media Vision. The original post by our friends over at media Vision can be found here. So what are your thoughts? Would you want your workplace to introduce an […]

Charity Mews: A loving home with an armchair to relax in

Retired Southampton schoolteacher, Douglas Brown blogs about the joys of adopting Thomas, an older feline friend from Cats Protection. When Cats Protection asked if I was prepared to take on an older cat and I said ‘of course’ – I’m not so young myself so we’d get on well! After hearing about a 15 year […]

Guest star: Charlie, Trigg and Rags – Some of the Ragdoll Cats of

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Floppycats and Jenny will talk about some of her lovely Ragdoll Cats: I rarely call my cats by their given names. Their names are “Charlie” and “Trigg” on an official level at the vet’s office. However, I call them nearly everything but those. Here’s the run down: Charlie: Wubbie Bubbie […]

Oliver: Star gazing? Squirrel Hunting?

Hello there fellow friends and humans! Have you come to watch me tonight? Well there is nothing interesting going on here today! Just little me stargazing. 🙂 What was that noise… It wasn’t you was it… OMC! Is that a squirrel? A fox? A bird?? Will you go and fetch it for me please. :)? […]

Purrsday Poetry: A Cat Named Loon

Hi everyone, Please find below our latest entry in the Purrsday Poetry series. Don’t forget if you have a cat poem you’d like to publish on our Blog do send us an email to 🙂 “A CAT NAMED LOON” Elliptical calico creature Of apricot, brown and black On checkerboard back Bears coal-colored islands In […]

Angel’s Friskies New Tasty Treasures with Bacon Review

Hello again my friends, I’ve brought a special treat today. I want to tell you about new Tasty Treasures with bacon by Friskies. It’s so exciting that they pick me to try and share with all of you. And I can share what I thought of the new food. So here it goes… Purr…. Can you […]

Competition: #MyJobYourJob – Guess what our jobs are! Poll now open!

Hi everyone, Following on from collecting the funniest captions for our two kitties it is now time for the second part of our competition that has kindly been sponsored by Petplan UK who offers great insurance packages for cats here . It is now up to all of to determine WHICH ONE of our entries is going […]

Oliver & Nubia: The new artwork is here!

Hi everyone, Following on from our post a few weeks back on the new artwork for Mao & Snowball we are pleased to let you know that Nubia & Oliver too are now finished! 🙂 Big thanks goes to Bea from Bea Gifted for the amazing work she is doing on the artwork. So with no further delay […]

Mews: Pet obesity set to soar, warns vet charity PDSA

Hi everyone, The PDSA launches their 10th pet slimming contest to fight the flab of nation’s pets. Having problems with your pet gaining weight despite best efforts? You may want to enter their contest! 😉 But hurry entries are accepted until Sunday 26th of April via this website. Details from the PDSA: Findings from the latest […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 38)

Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 Please find below the photos for everyone who entered this week: Meet Sylvester. More of him can be found here! Meet Mr […]

Jack & Vera: Fun in boxes

Hi everyone, Not that you all didn’t already know that we cats love boxes but here are some super cute photos of us! 😀 Vera: Peek-a-booh! You found me 😀 Jack: There is nothing here human! Now move on =d Signed by His Meowjesty Prince Jack also known as “Sir Purr-A-Lot” & Her Meowjesty Princess Vera

Event: #PetsInPortraits Book Launch + Katzenworld Worldwide Competition

Hello everyone, Following on from the competition run by the National Portrait Gallery for their book pets in Portraits we got to attend the launch day event and announcement of the winner! It was a wonderful evening and we would like to share some of the photos of the event with you all. Of course visitors were […]

Oliver: My Igloo! No paparazzi allowed

So I was hiding away in my cat igloo on this quiet sunday morning – thinking I would be all safe from the humans camera in here… But what’s that the humans found me anyway! Go away human!!!! I am trying to sleep =D P.S: Don’t forget to sign-up for our Newsletter by clicking here. […]

Mews: Game of Tuna!

Hello everyone, We came across this brilliant artwork on a fellow Bloggers page! Anyone else a fan of the Game of Thrones? 😉 I sure thought the inspired fan artwork of him was fantastic. 😀 You can find Loui’s Blog here! P.S: Don’t forget to sign up to one of our Newsletters here. 😀 Thanks, […]

Guest Star: The Incredible Life of Tia-pet, the Dominican Wonder-Cat

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Gwen and is a tribute to her cat Tia!   I am not aware of many cats that have lived out all nine lives on Dominica, but I can assure you that my dear little Tia-pet was   one of a select few felines in this category. At […]

Tips & Tricks: Toys that keep your cats and kittens entertained without burning a hole in your pocket

Hi everyone, Today we are looking at some of the fun toys that our cats like to play with and also how to get some money off (not just cat products but pet products in general or those of you in the UK!) Playing is an important activity for kitten and adult cats alike.  Every […]

Oliver & Nubia: Catit Food Maze snack time! :D +#giveaway

Hi everyone, It’s Nubia here! Today it is my turn to show my brother the art of SNACKING as I am the best at it! Oliver: That’s because you cheat.. Nubia: Oi! Let me tell them first about the awesome snack we had and how I used my brain while you… well let’s not go […]

Purrsday Poetry: The Cat Whisperer (Case of the Finicky Feline)

Here we are Face to face Laying on the living room carpet A ball of yawn between us You’ve been toying with me, Mr. Cat Prancing about Suave movements You’ve been toying with me all along Having me to believe you are content With my soft and gentle rubbing of your back My fingers slowly […]

Angel Eyes: My toy ball! :D

I would like to tell you about my ball that I play with. I’ve been obsessed with playing with balls since I was 9 weeks old. The balls back then was bigger then me and I would try to hop on top of them like a bunny hopping along and suddenly a stump got in […]

Competition: #MyJobYourJob – Guess what our jobs are!

Hi everyone, Today we have teamed up with Petplan UK who offers great insurance packages for cats here for a  fun competition. 😀 If you are in the UK this is YOUR chance to win a £100 voucher for PetPyjamas so don’t delay and enter! 😀 For your chance to win simply guess what the jobs […]

Tips & Advice: Cats and Company – Encouraging Social Behaviour

Hi everyone, Please find below some useful tips in form of a Guest Post by the team from Pets at Home: Cats and Company: Encouraging Social Behaviour Cats are like humans in that every animal has a unique personality. Some cats are friendly and sociable, welcoming guests and enjoying the extra attention that comes with […]

Snowball & Mao: New artwork! :D

Hi everyone, Hope you are having a good start to the week! We have some exciting news to share with you. We are currently working with a fellow Blogger (Bea from Bea Gifted) on new artwork for your favourite kitties! Here are the first two sketches! Snowball & Mao. 🙂 What do you guys think? 🙂 Of […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 37)

Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 Please find below the photos for everyone who entered this week: This is Bella! Her cute fluffy belly was submitted by Greg […]

Oliver: I’m prettier than these pictures!

So mirror mirror on the wall who is the prettiest in this photo =D Is it aunty Any? Or my parents?!? Of course it’s me and ME alone! No seriously who can resist my cuteness <3? And pretty please sign up for our Newsletter here. 😀 Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of […]

Nubia: Exhausted…

*Yawn* Hi everyone, I am so sorry but I am way too tired today! Nubia: Can I just lie here and look pretty? Nubia: I have just about enough energy to do my upside down catfish impression for you. <3 Nubia: But even that… drained my energy! You’ll have to blame my brother Oli for […]

Mews: Happy National Pet Day!!! :)

Hello everyone, I almost forgot about the fact that today is National Pet day! So Happy National Pet day. 😀 While this is not just reserved to cats I thought it be good to share this infographic on popular pet names across the US with you: What are the names of your own pets? (All […]

Guest star: Quirky the Blind Kitten

Hi everyone, Do you remember Quirky? Our previous guest star? Well he is back for more photos to share! 😀 For those that missed his introduction please click here. While Quirky may be blind he sure is enjoying life to the full! Who could say no to such an adorable little kitten? Quirky closely follows […]

Oliver & Nubia: The Scout85 Spycam includes #giveaway!

Hello everyone, Oliver here for a quick update from Katzenworld HQ! 😮 Today our humans got a new gadget… Much to our annoyance as they are now constantly spying on us!!!! Why would the humans need a camera to spy on us anyway??? Nubia: Probably because you are always up to no good? 😉 Oliver: […]

Cat Travel: Aoshima – Japanese Cat Island

cat island

Welcome to Aoshima, the Japanese Cat Island that boasts 120 cats. Cat lovers dreams have come true in the small fishing village of Aoshima in Japan – where cats outnumber the human inhabitants 6-1. This tiny island is home to only 22 people but there are over 120 cats! The story goes that the islanders […]

Purrsday Poetry: Kitty Love… by Deborah A. Bowman

Hi everyone, Following on from the poetry challenge we featured here some people asked us if we could feature more cat poems! We listened and we answered by putting together Purrsday Poems! 😀 Today marks our first Purrsday Poem entry which comes from Deborah A. Bowman:   We hope you enjoyed Deborah’s poem. For more of her […]