Oliver: Just another minute

What you have to go to work??? It is Monday you say? Well I don’t need to go… Let me sleep and DON’T move!!! Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief Please sign up for our new Katzenworld Newsletter (Delivered every Tuesday) here!

Cat Travel: Cats of Nagasaki – 長崎市 Part 2

Hi everyone, This is the second entry in our “Cats of Nagasaki” features As we were leaving the park you saw in our previous post here we heard a little meow. And there s/he was! A tiny little ginger kitten but he wasn’t alone… Once they spotted us one of his siblings decided that we looked […]

Competition: Murals Wallpaper – Please vote for your favourite!

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Murals Wallpapers have now chosen the 6 finalists for our joined competition! We had OVER 40 amazing photos submitted for this competition and it wasn’t easy for them to make a decision! Oh by the way we have a new Newsletter (Delivered every Tuesday) for which you can sign up here! So […]

Guest Star: They call me Shrimp (a.k.a. @Cheap_Trills)…

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from the wonderful and cute Shrimp from hairballexpress: My human adopted me a few years ago after the kitty that had owned her before got kidney failure and had to be put to sleep. They had had a very special bond and she felt like she had died too. […]

UZOO: Play with REAL Cats Online to Promote Cat Adoption


Yes, that’s right, for all of you that don’t know – you can control toys online and watch real cats play with them via webcam. MEOW. Welcome to the online pet shelter where you can help keep abandoned animals entertained. Thanks to welfare organisations, animal enthusiasts can log on and watch the cats play with […]

Product Review: The Maelson Pet Carrier

Hi everyone, Today we are looking at a fabulous cat carrier from Maelson. Each time we’ve adopted a cat we’ve bought a new carrier. At first I was determined to get something a bit sturdier and roomy that the small plastic crates with a metal grill that we’d seen in some shops. Our first cat […]

Contest: Caption this by Kool Kitty toys

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Kool Kitty Toys are running a pawesome CAPTION THIS CONTEST!!! 🙂 To enter just leave a comment on this post and I will forward all our captions to them. Winning Caption will get: * 2 Kool Kitty Toys Stylus Pens * 1 Kool Kitty Toys Magnet * 1 Framed Autographed Copy […]

Zelda: Let me introduce HER and the new German Blog :)

Hi everyone, My name is Ann-Kristin and for those of you that don’t know I am Marc’s sister. For those of you that speak German you can also read Zelda’s posts on “Katzenworld Deutschland“. But don’t worry there will be English versions on here. 🙂 Our little darling Zelda moved in on the 17th November 2014. At […]

Guest Post: Cat health tips by Ellen Pilch of 15andmeowing.com

After living with cats for over 20 years now, I sometimes think I know a lot. Actually, I know very little, but I am always eager to learn more especially when it concerns the heath and nutrition of my kitties. I read over 50 cats blogs a day as well as Cat Fancy and Modern […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 25)

Hello everyone, Welcome to yet another Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh and we now have a weekly Newsletter form in place for which you can subscribe here to never miss a TRT again. 😀 Please find the photos for everyone who entered this week here: Meet Sylvester who was submitted by DeBorah on Twitter. You can find […]

Tips & Tricks: Cat treats versus poison #infographic

Hi everyone, Today we would like to share an infographic from Vet-Medic We sure all know the moments when our cats come up to us and make these cute cuddly faces to demand to have a share of our food. But what exactly is good for them and what is not? We hope you enjoyed this […]

Oliver: I am not a sausage roll!

Nubia: Hello everyone! Nubia: Look what I found down there is a sausage roll Oli! Oliver: I am NOT a sausage roll… Nubia: You pretty much look like one right now. Oliver: Don’t make me come up there… Nubia: Or what? You’ll stuff me in the sausage roll casing? LOL Suits you better. 😀 Oliver: […]

Cat Travel: Cats of Nagasaki – 長崎市 Part 1

Hi everyone, As some of you know we have been on a holiday to Japan not too long ago. Well actually a few months back now but oh well 😮 We finally got around to sorting through all of our holiday photos and will be posting a selection of photos and where we have been […]

Guest Star: Ollie and the gang!

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Melany and her Siamese Ollie – Or should we say Ollie and his human Melany? 😉 Oliver lives with his brothers Charlie the seal point Siamese, Frank the Chestnut Oriental shorthair, Bunny the Lynx point Siamese and Little Grey, the 19 year old blind Maine Coon. He loves to […]

Product Review: Cat Hampurr including Discount Code

Hello everyone, Today we have another fantastic subscription box for you! This time the box comes from Cat Hampurr. This subscription box is from a local UK based company and that offers a monthly subscription plan or a one of gift box. Each of the products is carefully chosen and to get a good idea of what […]

Angel’s Eyes: Technical Difficulty

Mom {soft yell} Hey! Mommy,{Angel yells louder} How do I work this thing you call a computer…. I know you said mom to hit enter and to scroll on the icon, but I’m watching the screen after I did that and its still blue and I want to talk to my friends on my site. […]

Giveaway – UK: The Purrfect & Pawesome box 2015 giveaways

Hello everyone, We are back with another amazing Purrfect box giveaway for our UK readers! First of all we would like to thank all of those that have taken part in 2014 and wish you all best of luck in our next 5 purrfect box giveaways. Now it is time for all of you to have […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 24)

Hello everyone, Welcome to another great Tummy Rub Tuesday of 2015! Many many submissions this week and we managed to find room for all of you. 😀 Please find the photos for everyone who entered this week here: This fluffy friend comes from Jebus Mews and was specially posted for you all! Check out the whole collection […]

Mews: The Cat Caravan by Make Them Roar

Hi everyone, We thought the following Kickstarter campaign might be of interest to some of you! Today we are looking at the Cat Caravan by Make Them Roar. (Click for Kickstarter campaign page) The Cat Caravan was the idea of Bettina & Merle who wanted to create durable yet safe playbox for our cats! As most […]

Guest Post: Prancie by Ellen Pilch of 15andmeowing.com

Several people have asked if our ginger cat, Prancie is a Scottish Fold. The quick answer is no, but the explanation takes a while. Prancie showed up on a rare below zero January night back in 2005. I kept hearing a cat meowing by the front hall and looked all over to see if one […]

Guest Star: Seamus & Angus

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Nani human servant to Seamus & Angus: We are Exotic Shorthaired Persian brothers from the same mother and father,  born a year apart and almost identical in coloring but not in temperament. Hi, I’m Seamus and I am the oldest and I do most of the posting on […]

Book Review: The True Story of a Not So Crazy Cat Lady *First chapter free*

Hi everyone, Today we are looking at the book The True Story of a Not So Crazy Cat Lady by Catherine Walker. The story as the title suggests is about a woman and her best friends CATS. Harriet the main actress of the book breaks up with her partner and in the moments of her […]

Angel’s Eyes: Neko Flies , It’s Swat Cats Love

Hello everyone, If you are looking for a fabulous toy that is designed to be interactive with your cat your going to want to check this one out. Angel is so obsessed and hooked on NEKO FLIES that she has been trying to get this toy off a shelf all by her self! This is an interactive toy for […]

Angel’s Eyes: Trying to be a Super Star

Don’t mind me I’m practicing my Singing Act and I think this humming bird feeder makes a great microphone. Meee, Oooowww, Meeeee, Oooowwww,,, Umm,, I’m warmed up now, but the big decisions is what song should I sing? Maybe from the movie Frozen, now that would be a good one.. I don’t see anyone around […]

Mews: Wells Cathedral Cat faces local intruder

Hi everyone, Many of the cathedrals in the UK have local resident cats which of course help keeping them mice free! Louis (left) – Who is the resident cat of Well’s Cathedral however faces a new enemy in his kingdom, a local tabby cat named Pangur (right)! One would think that surely a cathedral is […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 23)

Hello everyone, Welcome to the first tummy rub Tuesday of 2015! Todays photo is packed full with cats and other friends that expose their bellies! 🙂 Please find the photos for everyone who entered this week here: Now who wouldn’t want to rub all these wonderful tummies? This entry comes from our good friends Cats […]