Cat Travel: New friends! Prince and Lovely

Hi everyone, The other day we went shopping in AEON Mall in Makuhari. The scottish fold is named Prince and the American long hair is named Lovely. They were on a trip to the pet care centre and I’m amazed as to how calm they were! Thanks, Marc

Mews: Lion and Dachshund – Friends Forever

Hi everyone, We just came across another brilliant example of how cats and dogs can make peace. 😉 A 500-pound lion and an 11-pound dog have formed an unlikely friendship, proving that cats and dogs really can get along. Bonedigger the lion and Milo the dachshund live together at Garold Wayne Exotic Animal Park in […]

Mews: Cat Out of Hell By Lynne Truss

Hi everyone, On the 9th of October the latest book by Lynne Truss will be available on the UK market! 🙂 What book you ask? It is Cat Out of Hell   In a lonely cottage in Norfolk the story of the book is told to us by a grieving widower who starts going through a […]

Oliver & Nubia: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday Latest photos + ongoing challenge! (Week 10)

Hi friends and followers! You know it is a happy day when it is TUMMY RUB TUESDAY TIME! 😀 Please share this wonderful day with your friends and let us get more entries for next week when ever before. 🙂 (To find out how to enter your own cats please scroll down to the bottom of […]

Mews: Cats Protection featured in BBC Cat Watch

Hi everyone, Please find below information on the upcoming documentary on BBC that will feature Cats Protection. This week, Cats Protection’s National Cat Adoption Centre will make an appearance on the upcoming BBC Two Horizon series Cat Watch 2014: The New Horizon Experiment. The three part series will air on BBC Two at 8pm on […]

BOSSCAT! I know I’ve gained a bit of weight…

I know I’ve gained  a bit of weight…  But I still fit in the box!  I PROMISE!  Please!  Human!  I’ll do anything!  Dont throw away my beloved  box! (From Human: I don’t think Snowball realises…  He gets new boxes every week….)

Cat Travel: What do you get the cat that already has everything?

Hi everyone, As you may have read before you may know that we are currently in Japan and as part of this holiday we are checking out all the cool and crazy cat stuff around. 😀 Two things that we came across sure are on the list of presents for those cats that already have […]

Oliver: Blasts from the past – A late summer day!

Hi everyone, This summer was soooo hot here I really struggled sleeping one of those days. :O I turned that way… …and this way…. …but just no chance to find the perfect napping position! So i kept yawning all day! :O Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief

Guest Star: Tuxedo Joe

Greetings, Katzenworld! Today’s guest star is Tuxedo Joe –  a devout follower of the Tuxedo Party of Canada with aims to improve the welfare of homeless, abandoned and suffering cats in Calgary. My name is Joe Boxer. At three days old I was orphaned when my mommy passed away. Me and my siblings were taken […]

Product Review: The Catit Food Maze + Video of Oliver & Nubia

Hi everyone, This time around our kitties reviewed the Catit Food Maze. It was super easy to assemble – Came in a few pieces that had to be fitted together. At first both of them were a little bit confused as to what exactly they were meant to do with it but once they got […]

Mews: D.E.L.T.A – Dedication & Everlasting Love to Animals

Hi everyone, Today we have a special guest post from D.E.L.T.A. The largest “No Kill, Care for Life Sanctuary of it’s kind in the world. Dedication & Everlasting Love to Animals, also known as D.E.L.T.A. Rescue is the largest “No Kill, Care-for-Life,” Sanctuary of its kind in the world. Founded by Leo Grillo in 1979, […]

Review & Discount for Canada / US / UK: Meowbox now available in the UK!

Hello everyone, Today we have another fantastic subscription box for you! This time the box comes from What is even better if you fancy giving it a try you can get 10% off the subcription plan you choose with our special code KATZEN10. Now let us have a look at the box itself and how […]

Oliver: Your daily kitty is going on a trip to…!

Oliver: All important items and felines? In the suitcase bound for JAPAN the land of sushi and CATS! 😀 Oliver: Now if I focus really hard do you think the humans won’t notice that I am in here? <3 Now on a more serious note 2 of our humans will be away in the far […]

Mews: Cat poop parasite may cure cancer

Hi everyone, This is a very interesting press release that we found on Discovery the other day! I do hope that they can further advance this past the lab tests. 🙂 A kitty poop parasite has led to a treatment that wipes out cancer in lab tests, including aggressive melanoma and ovarian cancer, preliminary studies […]

Oliver & Nubia: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday Latest photos + ongoing challenge! (Week 9)

Hi friends and followers! You know it is a happy day when it is TUMMY RUB TUESDAY TIME! 😀 Please share this wonderful day with your friends and let us get more entries for next week when ever before. 🙂 (To find out how to enter your own cats please scroll down to the bottom of […]

Mews: Ever wondered what your cat is doing on the PC?

Hi everyone, So this image really sparked my curiosity. What is that our cats are doing on our PC that they lovingly refer to as catputer? Do they order premium cat food? Or new toys? 🙂 Find more kats to take in from shelters? What do you think your cat is up to alone at […]

Nubia: Tunnel play time <3

Plaaaaaaaay with me!!!!! plllllease 🙂 And don’t I look cute in this tunnel 🙂 Oh hello again humans! :0 Right well… I am too tired now to play so time to just look pretty 😀 By the way if you have time why not read the review of this awesome tunnel and where to buy […]

Guest star: Fantasy Art. Fantasy Cats

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Irina and is about her: Fantasy Art. Fantasy Cats. Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Irina and I am a crazy cat lady. I am! And always have been. As long as I can remember, I have always had cats. And I remember all of them […]

Merlin: My outdoor cat-house!

Hi everyone, As the weather is getting colder and nastier, I want to share with you pics of my little house for felines. It is a two story dwelling, with a penthouse that can be opened on sunny days. It provides shelter for my rescued cats while they get the courage to come into the […]

Giveaway & Product Review: Cewe Photoworld Calendar and Photobook

Hi everyone, We had so many photos stored of our kitties and not all of our local friends use the internet that we thought it was about time to create a photo book for them. 🙂 We researched a few providers and went for Cewe Photoworld (Click here for more details about them) for our […]

Mews: Printer not working?

The things we do for our cats! Cat owner: Hi! I am calling because my printer doesn’t work anymore. IT support: Have you tried turning it on and off yet? Cat owner: No I can’t! IT support: Why not? Cat owner: My cat is blocking the printer. IT support: Right… have you tried moving your […]

Mews: Katzenworld meets Robin Ganzert of the American Humane Association + Animal Stars

Hi everyone, Today we have a very special post for you! We got to interview Robin Ganzert of the American Humane Association. The American Humane Association is dedicated to the welfare of animals and children. Since 1887 they have been at the forefront of protecting the most vulnerable members of our society. What is more […]

Book Review: Solomon’s Tale

Hi everyone, You may remember our previous guest post by Sheilah Jeffries on Why pets are good for us which you can find here. Today we are looking at her book – Solomon’s Tale: Solomon was Sheilah’s own cat, however in this book he plays a fictional role (A very cute one at that!). At […]

Oliver & Nubia: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday Latest photos + ongoing challenge! (Week 8)

Hi friends and followers! You know it is a happy day when it is TUMMY RUB TUESDAY TIME! 😀 Please share this wonderful day with your friends and let us get more entries for next week when ever before. 🙂 (To find out how to enter your own cats please scroll down to the bottom of […]