Discounts & Offers: £5 Off Cathampurr until 7th of January! – UK

Hi everyone, Our friends over at Cat Hampurr are currently running a special January £5 off the first box of their subscription box until the 7th of January To get the special discount just click on the “I’d like extra purrs in 2015 please” button at the bottom of this post or enter January as the coupon code […]

Guest Star: Derick – The talker

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Maryanne and her beautiful cat Derick! Back in 1996 a friend’s cat had kittens. I was thrilled to get one because I always loved the sweet Mama cat. The one I wanted originally was a white and orange one. My friend said, “You can’t have that one, my niece wants […]

Billy The Time Cat Wishes you a healty 2015

Hello my friends, it’s been a while but I’m back.  First I want to wish you all a healty 2015.  Health is very important not only for humans but also for cats.  On my time travels I learned being in good health can be life saving. Being hunted down by all kind of crazy aliens […]

Happy Mew Year everyone

Hello everyone, First of all a Happy Mew Year from all of us here at Katzenworld! It’s been a fantastic year for us and we would like to thank you all for this. We wouldn’t be where we are now without all of you! 🙂 If anyone would like to join in and post a […]

Angel’s Eyes: Crazy Zany Ball

Can I just have your attention for a moment? I want to discuses this Zany Ball. First off.. What’s up with the name of this toy? Can’t I just call it a ball with a feather or Crazy Ball? Anyways getting to my point is,,,  What is the point of this toy? It’s flapping around while […]

Murals Wallpaper Competition Update

Hi everyone, First of all Happy New Year to everyone!!! We just wanted to post a quick update for our Murals Wallpapers competition! We had OVER 40 amazing photos submitted for this competition and the organizer is now evaluating those submissions. As it has became extremely difficult for them to choose one winner by themselves they decided to choose […]

Mews: Most languages agree on the sound cats make but…

Hi everyone, We found these super cute cartoons how worldwide langues spell the sound cats make. Just had to share it with you! 😀 We hope you liked these as much as we did. 🙂 *Nyan* Photo credit goes out to the wonderful James Chapman from Chapmangamo @ Tumblr! He also sells these as books […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday photos (Week 22)

Hello everyone, We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and are looking forward to this weeks tummy show! Please find the photos for everyone who entered this week here: Now who will dare to rub that fluffy belly of the tree climber? Another great contribution from SIM ANTICS. And meet little Minx who’s pet human […]

Jack & Vera: Blasts from the past – super tiny!

Hi everyone, These pictures are from when we first met our humans… Jack: I was so tiny and fluffy. 😀 Vera: Hey! Don’t forget about me! I was just as cute and fluffy. 😀 Signed by His Meowjesty Prince Jack also known as “Sir Purr-A-Lot” & Her Meowjesty Princess Vera

Austerity 2015

As the new year draws closer many of us are looking at ways to save money and enter 2015 with the blown christmas budget in mind. That doesn’t mean that our pets have to suffer however, here are my top tips for keeping cat costs to a minimum Cat Milk Cat milk can be one […]

Nubia: Cat nap time and my purrfect dreams

And it is time for another purrfect nap on my scratch tree *Purr* zZzzz… Dreams: *Must catch that bird so juicy!* Dream: *Yes I got the bird and I shall not share it with Oliver!* Wakes up: Noooooo! It was only a dream. 🙁 Signed by Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber of Peace

Guest Star: Friendly the cat

Hi everyone, Today’s guest post comes from Connie and her beautiful black cat Friendly! Hi, My name is Friendly. I’m a 3 1/2 year old little girl, all black, except a white tail tip and neck. My first human rescued me and my brother from an abandoned house, when we were a few days old. […]

Vera: Belated Merry Christmas from me and Jack!

Hello everyone, It’s been a while since we posted so we thought it’s time for a belated Merry Christmas from me and my brother Jack! And look! We have an amazing Christmas tree. 🙂 Now where is Jack? Jack! Oh oh no… That’s where he is… Jack: What! I’m having fun up here. 😀 Vera: […]

Tips & Advice: Cat Nutrition

Hi everyone, Please find below some useful tips in form of a Guest Post by the team from Pets at Home: Although it’s often tempting to spoil our feline friends, good nutrition for cats is just as important as it is for humans. We at Pets at Home believe that a healthy cat is a […]

Mews: Christmas cat by Takashi Masaki

Hi everyone, Today we have a Christmas special from Takashi for you! If you would like to connect with him you can find him on Facebook by clicking here. If you are not on Facebook do let us know and we can pass on your comments to him. Thanks, Marc

Oliver: It’s finally Christmas Day!

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! So my sister and I have been very good cats this year! And look what we found on the door when we woke up today? 😀 A fish stocking filled with treats!!! Oliver: I found a new mouse in there for myself! The old one got a bit tatty so […]

Angel’s Eyes: My Christmas story

I’m going to tell you about my first time putting a Christmas tree up with mom and dad. I really don’t know what to expect but I’m dressed for the occasion and really, does anything else matters? It started off with dad asking for my help to untangle the xmas lights but I had no […]

Book Review & Giveaway: KeeKee’s Big Adventures

Hello everyone, Today we are having a look at a super adorable and fun range of children (and those that just like illustrated stories as much as we do! 😉 ) books with stories by Shannon Jones and illustration by Casey Uhelski. The books follow the adventures of KeeKee an ex-shelter cat who travels around the […]

Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday photos (Week 21)

Welcome to the latest Tummy Rub Tuesday photo collection, Please find the photos for everyone who entered this week here: Meet Sonu Singh from But I Smile Anyway – Now if that isn’t a relaxed pose!! And meet Binky from Angelswhisper2011! And a very special Tummy video of Bo from the Mad Hooligan Chronicles. And the latest […]

Christmas for Cat Lovers

Ok, let’s talk about the elephant in the room… My name’s Rachel and I am a cat-oholic.  Since becoming single I find myself sort of saying it under my breath like “yeah I have two cats” because of the crazy cat lady stigma. But after much soul searching I decided to come out as a […]

Guest Post: Animals and the Afterlife – You’ll be amazed what this investigation found

Hi everyone, Today we have a guest post from Belinda Burman on the topic of Animals and the Afterlife for you: There is a question that I’m asked over and over again, that I see raised in forums over and over again. That question is: ‘Will I see my furbaby again?’ In other words, is […]

Oliver & Nubia: Secret Paws – The parcel arrived!

Hi everyone! So me and my sister were super excited when the postman came we other day! We took part in the secret paws 2014 event and wow were we amazed by the parcel! Nubia: What is in it?!? I see white things and bird fishes – I think humans call them penguins? Oliver: That’s […]

Guest Star: Sasha Kitty

Hi everyone, This saturday’s guest star of the day is Sasha written by his loving mommy Tina. Please find their story below: I am a 2 year old Tortie female. I was adopted on December 3,2012 mommy adopted me through a foster that was taking care of me she saw me at PetSmart in Charleston,WV. […]

Competition: Santa Paws + How to take photos infographic

Hi everyone, Today we have a fun infographic and competition for you. The people over at Transform Your Images have put together 5 Ways to take a Pawesome pet portrait this christmas. To enter the competition please click here. The winner will receive a piece of personalized art for every season in 2015. Three runner […]

Guest Post: Have Leash, Won’t Travel

By Kelly E. Connolly, Esq., M.S. I don’t know about you all over there in the United Kingdom, but here in America everyone tries to “Keep up with the Joneses.” You hear your best friend buys the lastest HD TV? Then you must too! Neighbor driving a new car? Hmm, better run on over to […]