Oliver & Nubia: Morning yawn

Parents decided to take some pictures of us in the morning! But why so early??? Oh yes humans must work 😮 Needless to say that the camera couldn’t quite follow our amazing yawns but certainly a cool “moving” picture effect =O Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief & Her Meowjesty Queen […]

Oliver: Who says only girls like pink things?

Who says only girls should like pink! I love relaxing in our crinkly pet toy tunnel. What who is there? Oh it’s the humans and the new camera… Fine take some photos! Come on in but only if you bring me food! Time to chill <3 If you want to find out more about this […]

Cat photo competition now running on our Facebook page

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for liking and sharing our page so far! To thank all of our followers we will run the following competition until the 5th of July. We would like to ask you to submit your favorite picture of your cat into the cat competition post on the top of the […]

Charity Appeal: Trooper the Handicapped Kitten & Bandit

Hello everyone! Today’s post is for two of our very special feline friends Trooper the Handicapped Kitten & Bandit. We read about them a few days ago and their story sure touched our hearts. We lso believe it is very important to help out cats in need and therefore decided to put up this post […]

When cats talk about dogs! Oliver: Guest star “Fee” the dog =o

So I was listening to the many tales of my humans about their recent trip to the far away country of Germany. Apparently they spent time with their family and also met some strange large animal there… They said it was a dog and as it’s owned by one of Marc’s sister I guess kind […]

Discounts & Offers: ZooPlus 15 years cat food celebration offer

Hello everyone, Just a quick note for those of you from the UK! If you are looking to stock up on cat litter or cat food this is a perfect  chance. We just got an email from ZooPlus with 15 amazing cat food / litter offers. =D Just click through to ZooPlus here to have […]

Mews: Poppy the world’s oldest cat dies at the age of 24

So while reading one of our local newspapers today we found these rather sad but yet interesting news. Apparently poppy who lived in Bournemouth – UK passed away just weeks after she received the honour by the Guinnes World Records of being the worlds oldest living cat at the age of 24! Poppy was submitted […]

Product Review: Burns cat food Original Cat – Chicken or Fish & Brown Rice

Hello everyone! You may remember our recent tips and advice about hairballs which can be found here and how high quality cat food can help prevent hairballs from this. Following on from this we decided to get some Burns cat food and give it a test! So today Today we are going to look at their “Original Cat” […]

1000 Facebook Likes! A BIG THANKS to everyone who has liked our page!

We have amazing news to share! Our Facebook Page has finally reached 1000 Likes! And we wouldn’t have done it without every ones help! So a BIG THANK YOU to all those who have shown an interest and support to Katzenworld. I hope you all enjoy the sun today, be sure to leave out some […]

Oliver: The many cats of Barnstaple House part 3

So another warm weekend and another day at the window – this time with my lil sister Nubia. We spent all day so far at the window thinking my Kingdom was all safe and we could relax. But wait what is that in the distance… On the right hand side of the tree… it’s black […]

Tips & Advice: Why do cats Chatter starring “Oliver’s war cry”

So I managed to record a video of Oliver the other day “clicking away” but have you ever wondered why cats do this noise? Scientist have various theories behind this some of them thinking that the cats are trying to imitiate their prey and others saying that this is down to the anticipating of catching […]

MAO~SAMA’s Sunday adventure!

Dear Diary, Sunday, TRULY was a really SUNNY-day. It was 25°C. My humans opened all the windows whilst I enjoyed a nap. I finished rolling from one sunny patch to another. There’s nothing like sunbathing in the early mornings! After a few hours of napping… my humans decided to put the harness on me. I […]

Oliver: “Playing” Playstation with my human

Right so one of my humans really likes using that black box that makes all the funny noise. But who says cat’s can’t join the fun! What are these dots @_@ Can I eat them????? Oh… Oh WAIT let me hunt that prey!!!!! I will defend you as I eat the giant animal thingies =0 […]