Hi everyone,
It’s Oliver & Renegade here today together for a change! : D
Renegade: That is MY mouse!!!!
Oliver: Nope. you had it first last time! Today it’s mine
Oliver: Hmmmmm how did you get something out of this?
Renegade: Let me, let me, let me! I can show you how! 😀
Oliver: No…. last time that meant that I got not a crum of the food! :O
Oliver: *Thinking very hard* How did Renegade get the food out of these again…. hmmm…. oh yes I know!

Oliver: A little bit with the paw on that side… and a bit more on the other…

Oliver: Not too quickly… or the mouse might wake up and run away…
Renegade: I really don’t think those mice are going to run anywhere brother. ;o

Oliver: At last! I’ve got some food out of it. 😀
Renegade: I could have done this much quicker…

Oliver: Thank you little mouse for all that nice food. 😀
Oliver: Right! Now I am happy. 🙂
Renegade: Time for me to hunt another mousey… 😮
Oliver: You should but not mine! Because hunting is very important for us cats so if you can switch over to the Doc & Phoebe’s Co Indoor Hunting Feeder you should! It’ll help enrich your cats feeding time and make them happier. 🙂
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
His Meowjesty Prince Renegade the Creator of Chaos and Grandest of Connoisseurs
In my house Dusty would probably win????????
? always find it amazing how they figure out an order.
Pawsome. x??????
Glad you liked it 🙂
An epic battle fills the wide screen!
Haha glad you enjoy our funny feature post. 🙂
Pingback: Oliver & Renegade: A "cat fight" over a mouse - Katzenworld Shop
Our cat isn’t really bothered about ‘catching’ mice, even if they have goodies in them. He prefers not to waste his sleeping time chasing anything that moves, when he finds all he needs in his dishes. Wise cat, or lazy cat?
? maybe these would entice him as he wouldn’t have to chase it. Just get it out.
Darling cats!!
Thanks 🙂