Hi everyone,
It’s me Freya back again! We are getting into a little theme here as I am slowly stealing the fame of my siblings. Especially Mr Grumps – Rennie!
Renegade: *Grumbles* I am not grumpy. -_-
Freya: You’ve just proven you are! Anyhow… Today we are back with a look at the new range of Almo Nature HFC Cat Wet Food: Almo Nature HFC Complete – Grain Free. They are the ones in the tins in front of me. 😀

Freya: And I’d just like to point out… since I am the prettiest little snow leopard around these are all mine… tho I might share some with you. ;o

Rennie: NO chance! You will definitely have to share with me! Especially since this bowl is big enough for the two of us…
Nubia: Seems like it’ll be safer for me to stick to my pink bowl in the back here. ;o
Renegade: Sis, what food is this one?
Freya: Let me have a look at the tin…
Oliver: Not again!!! I am late for yet another food trial?!?
Freya: Found it! It’s the new Almo Nature HFC Complete Grain Free Chicken with green beans. 😀
Renegade: Ok… the humans most definitely have to order more of this. It’s delicious

Freya: What! It’s almost gone now!
Freya: Rennie! Find someone with opposable thumbs to open us another tin. :O
Renegade: I am on it!
Nubia: Meanwhile… we should probably tell you a bit more about this latest addition to the Almo Nature wet food range.
Freya: Yes because this one, like the others Almo Nature HFC products, is prepared with 100% HFC ingredients (originally fit for human consumption) simply cooked in broth but for a complete and balanced meal Almo Nature added vitamins and minerals and it’s grain free too! Meaning it provides us with all of the important nutrients that we cats need and the Grain-free formula is easy to digest and is great for sensitive cats or cats with digestive issues. Of course you should still change flavours . Almo Nature HFC Complete comes in 4 yummy recipes: Tuna with Pumpkin, Chicken and Carrot, Mackerel with Sweet Potato and Chicken with Green Beans to ensure your feline friend gets a variety of different flavours because after all who would want to eat the same thing all year around? And even better for a hungry multi cat household this new complete food comes in 70gram tins. 😀
Nubia: This particular one is made of chicken and green beans in gravy. Which means I’ll have to hide this from Oliver… or between him and the mad orientals I won’t get a single morsel of food!
Freya: I am not an oriental… I am a Peterbald sister…
Nubia: Small difference same madness! ;p
Freya: Pffft… anyhow let’s tell your humans where to find this latest Almo Nature pet food addition for their feline friends…. and of course, tell them about the fabulous giveaway that we are hosting with Almo Nature!
Freya: You can find a large variety of flavours over at Ocado, Fetch, Morrisons online for the UK or at Chewy.com for our US friends. You can also find your neareast Almo Nature Stockist by clicking here. Plus our humans will have some for sale at their LondonCats show stall tomorrow and Sunday!
Nubia: Guys you forgot something important! Our friends over at Almo Nature care about our wellbeing as much as they do about the environment and other animals on this planet. In fact Almo Nature is the first pet food company to return 100% of its profits to cats, dogs and biodiversity through the projects of the Fondazione Capellino
More from Almo Nature:
Nubia: See you all soon! Next time we will try out the new complete food.
Signed by,
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace