Hi everyone,
It’s me Freya back again with my brother Rennie.

Freya: Rennie!!! What have you found here! And why didn’t you call me over straight away?!?
Rennie: Me? I am just guarding this stack of Almo Nature Alternative for all of us…
Freya: Yeah right! You were planning to eat it all on your own! :O
Rennie: No I was just about to tell our readers and fellow felines that we are running a giveaway for this and more from Almo Nature at the moment.
Freya: Nice try to cover yourself… but go on let them know.
Rennie: It’s the truth! Anyway, entering the giveaway is easy, simply complete the actions below for your chance to win one of 5 Almo Nature hampers which will come with a 750-gram bag of alternative dry food (check out the review if you missed it!) and a selection of wet food pouches & tins.
Rennie: The giveaway will be open for entries until the 2nd of November at 12.00 (lunchtime) UK time.
Freya: Brother don’t forget that those that win will be invited to share their experience with their felines to be published here! If you do go ahead with sharing your feedback you’ll also receive a 50% discount voucher to be used on Almo Nature products in our shop.
Rennie: Now on to the wet food! As you can see it comes out as a nice solid piece of meat in a bit of broth, chicken broth in this case, this is due to the fact that Almo Nature gently cooks our food inside the bags so that it retains all of it’s natural flavour and juice for us to enjoy!
Freya: Unless you are a Main Coone you may just want to ask your humans to ensure they squeeze the bag a bit before putting it into your bowl. This will break up the whole pieces of meat and mix it up with the broth so that it becomes easier for you to eat it! 🙂
Rennie: Since I’m starving… Can I eat with you? 😀

Freya: No chance! I am still growing!!! You can have some after me. :p
Rennie: So not fair. 🙁

Rennie: Freya… you’ve got a bit of chicken stuck on your lip…
Freya: What? Where? Let me lick it off…
Rennie: Nope still there!

Freya: Nooooo it’s too delicious to waste even a morsel of it! Did I get it now?
Rennie: Yes… but speaking of morsel have you left me some?!?
Freya: Ooops… I might have forgotten that part. 😀
Rennie: Bah! Nevermind I’ll get the humans to open me another one.
Freya: I am sure they will Rennie… anyway don’t forget to get your humans to enter this giveaway so you too can try some pawesome food that makes a difference! 100% of profit Almo Nature makes of their pet food is used to protect cats, dogs and many other animals around the world through the projects of the Fondazione Capellino (Capellino Foundation). This covers small shelters in your local area to large-scale biodiversity projects! Over the next few months, we will be looking at some of the great charities Almo Nature has helped out here in the UK.
Freya: Can’t wait to find out if you’ve won and you’d like to pose in front of a huge amount of delicious food yourself? Tell your humans to head over to Fetch which has a huge variety of Almo Nature flavours or to our own shop for Almo Nature Alternative wet & dry food!
More from Almo Nature:
Nubia: See you all soon! Next time we will try out the new complete food.
Signed by,
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Nom nom.
I live in the state of Maine in the U.S. and am writing in to suggest the “e” in Maine Coon belongs on the first word! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maine_Coon. This looks like a great cat food.
It does indeed oooops ?
But the orientals have never met one of them so let’s forgive them. 😉
MOL Freya mee LOVESS Weruva wet food inn pouchess like you LOVE THE Almo…. there iss sumthing so-o nommie about food inn pouchess rite?
An Renegade mee hopess you got enuff to eat too! An yore chick-hen on yore lip was cute!
***purrsss*** BellaDharma
Rennie is getting a little chubby so it’s all good that she steals his food. 😉
Is this Giveaway worldwide?
Oooops it’s meant to be UK only! But I just spoke to almo and if you’d be happy to do a little review we can send you some food to sample. ? Just E-Mail us at info@katzenworld.co.uk
Cool! I would love to do that!
Adorable cats! I can’t resist <3
Carly xx // http://www.prettystyleofliving.wordpress.com
Thanks Carly ^^
Oooo yummy…my cats would love those!
Good luck 🙂
Give Rennie and Freya large portions, often, gotta get some meat on those bones! More acreage for more of that pretty fur pattern. But don’t forget Oliver and Nubia!
Haha! Rennie actually has gotten a bit of a belly. ?