aHi everyone,
It’s Oliver here today and we got to try out some new food over the festive break.
Sadly with two siblings around it’s a mammoth task to figure out who gets first dibs! ; )
Renegade: What! It’s some new food. 😮 I want in first!
Nubia: No chance… I want it first!
Oliver: WHAT! Why did you try and start without me here. I want to try this first. 🙁
Nubia: Actually… I was here first and it should always be ladies first!
Oliver: Aren’t you guys forgetting something important?
Renegade: Like what?
Oliver: The bowl is empty!
Nubia: Oh yes… I’ve been trying to glare at the humans to make use of their opposable thumbs to open this already! But I guess they want us to tell everyone a bit about the food first.
Nubia: So the food we got to try this time is the Grain Free wet food by James Wellbeloved of course our humans ordered this from their top choice for online shopping Animed Direct.
Nubia: So you were hoping I got in first? Alas not with two gourmand brothers around…
Oliver: *Munch munch*
Renegade: Oi!!! Move over!!! There are to bowls and you are in my way!
Oliver: What? Oh…. well you can always walk around me. 😉
Renegade: I guess… I will go for this bowl instead!
Nubia: But that was mine!!! Can’t you two see that they put out three bowls so we can all eat together!

Renegade: Three bowls is just about enough for me…
Oliver: This food is certainly good!
Renegade: *Swallows food whole* It’s soft and tastes great!
Nubia: Can you two please remember to chew… I don’t want to have to do a Heimdal maneuver on either one of you….

Renegade: Us? Eating too quickly? Never!
Oliver: Exactly we are doing perfectly fine…
Nubia: Right while you two are busy eating I guess I’ll be dealing with providing our readers with the key facts about this food.
Nubia: The wet food by James Wellbeloved is a complete cat food. If your humans are looking for new types of food for you fellow felines out there make sure you tell them about the importance of checking for food being marked as complete food. Complete food contains essential minerals and vitamins that we need to be healthy, the most important one being taurine!
Nubia: Furthermore this food is also grain free and hypoallergenic. The lower the amount of carbs the better for us felines because after all we are carnivores. While there are some carbs in this food this is from selected sources only (potato and cassava). These two ingredients also provide us with important fibre that helps a healthy digestion of our food. 😀
Oliver: You seem to have forgotten to remind our readers where to purchase the food. I shall help you out here. 😉
Oliver: So what you should do is send your humans over to Animed Direct as they’ve got this in packs of 48 pouches for £26.92 and what’s even better if your humans add something extra like a toy or bag of treats like the Pet Munchies we wrote about before they can easily make use of the free UK delivery for orders of £29 or more. 😀
Nubia: Well hopefully I’ll actually get to eat some now that my brothers are done… See you all again soon! 😉
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Prince Renegade the Creator of Chaos and Grandest of Gourmets Gourmands
Poor Nubia, I am optimistic your humans made sure you got your share …
We certainly did. But after all the sibling interruptions decided to let her eat in peace in the kitchen while taking photos of the “annoying” brothers haha. 😉
it looks like they like it a lot!
Yep 🙂
Mmmm… That food sounds YUMMY! When a kitty forgets to chew before swallowin’, it’s good-tastin’, for sure. PURRS.
Haha xD yeah they really went for it.
Nubia, Ladies should always eat first.
If only her brothers knew that LOL
Pingback: Did Oliver get to dig into the food first?!? - Baptize A Cat?
If only cats could talk, I love your commentary with the photos.
I know! I wish they could talk. While you can identify some meows meaning certain things it’s all up for interpretation.
Same, my uncle has a cat and he bought a book on how to tell what a cat is thinking. The only part I remember him telling me is when the tale is moving a certain way it means he/she is curious.
Pingback: Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – An army of moon mice – Katzenworld Shop
Nubia should eat first. Ladies first
If only the boys got that message. Tho they did this morning as she gave them the glare LOL ?
boys are slow learners
Haha xD
Of course I mean cats. Then again if the shoe fits as I was always taught. Girls are sometimes slow learners too. Not just boys.
It’s true tho. A lot of guys never learn what not to do either. 😉
Some girls don’t either. LOL