Guest Star: Paladin

Hi everyone,

Please find below a guest story from Kathy and her cat Paladin

After losing my last Doberman, I thought I’d go back to my roots, and get a cat. I had read that Maine Coons were very ‘dog-like, so I found a wonderful breeder nearby, and she picked Paladin out, for me.

At 3 months in his tunnel.

At 3 1/2 months with Rex, the stuffed dog.

Susan shows her cats, so I jumped in with PAL. A highlight, from the kitten class, was winning Best Allbreed Kitten at the Dallas, Texas show. He went on to earn his Grand Premiership (for altered cats), in 3 days of shows.

At 7 months , Best Kitten in the Dallas, show.

Then COVID hit. But I got lucky again! Pal is so entertaining, that I know I wasn’t as lonely(being a widow) as I could have been.

Pal is not a cuddly cat, but likes to sleep on my feet, or across the back of my chair, against my neck. Sometimes he stalks me, jumping to grab (no claws) my leg, letting go, and scampering off. Tag!!

11 months. All fluffed up and nowhere to go.

Paladins’ favorite fans are the neighbor kids. Since COVID, I text them pictures of his antics.

At 14.5 months. Claiming the new coffee table.

15 months. Serious!

Occasionally, Paladin knocks downs his life-sized stuffed Shepherd, joining him on the floor.

If you have a story to share why not get in touch with us via


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8 thoughts on “Guest Star: Paladin

  1. zodiacimmortal says:

    Pal is the 3rd- 5th cat I heard or know that likes tag.
    My cat Sully used to play that (without telling us first that she wanted to so we’d get a wack … always giving us a scream cause it would come oWhen my aunt’s cat Maisy seemed to want to play and was being a bit crazy, and going between a couple bins while playing, with the laser or feather toy etc. at one point she stopped and I walked passed and SWAT!!!! (just as Sully used to…when she first did it…I swore she was possessed by Sully)

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