Hi everyone,
It’s me Nubia here today and I have to say that I am slightly annoyed with my siblings…
You see the Innocent Pet team sent us 2 of their amazing Christmas Cat Gift boxes which you’d think would be sufficient for a ravenous Rennie & Freya plus little Oli and me! 🙁
Nubia: Turns out the two are even more ravenous than I thought!

Rennie: Freeeeeya!!!! Come on give me a paw and help me open these packages! 😀
Freya: And look there is one for me and one for you!
Oliver: *Grumbles* Haven’t you two forgotten something?!? There are 4 of us cats here… so you’ll have to share one and I will have to share one with Nubia!
Rennie: And we are in! 😀

Rennie: So many delicious choices… what shall we start with!!!
Freya: I want the chicken!
Rennie: No…. I want the Venison slices! Human! Open them up. 😀
Rennie & Freya: Ooooooh! They smell delicious!!!!

Rennie: Be careful… Don’t eat the humans hands…
Freya: I am trying to…. but these slices are simply too delicious! And what look!!! There is a valerian mouse as well!!!! 😀
Freya: This was absolutely smashing delicious! <3
Rennie: I want more. 🙁
Nubia: Pffft…. I seem to be the one that’s been left with all the wrapping but no treats!!!! You need to learn to share you two!!! :O
Freya: Maybe next time… or you could ask the humans to order some of those Venison sausage slices. ;o
Renegade: And don’t forget to checkout the rest of the range The Innocent Pet offers. They have a fabulous selection of treats for all types of fur-friends!
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
I’m a big fan of keeping things as natural as possible where cats are concerned, so I’m very excited by these treats and will definitely be ordering some for my Siamese Billy!
Let us know how you get on. 🙂
Happy Christmas His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief, Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace, Prince Renegade also known as the Flash, and Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
<3 thank you