Hi everyone,
For a change it’s me Nubia here first! With all the changes to our family the noise 2 have taken charge on a lot of our posts recently but nothing but a treat festival to get me to put them back in their place. ; )
Nubia: Tho that didn’t stop them to investigate the box first of course…
Rennie: Freya! What have you found there…
Freya: Oh nothing… It’s just a box for me to sit on… doesn’t smell of treats at all!
Rennie: Right… Now move out of the way so we can have a look inside!

Nubia: The box was addressed to me and Oliver!
Oliver: That’s right… it’s our box!
Rennie: But but! Caring is sharing we can split it three ways!
Freya: You mean four ways I hope…
Rennie: Of course… 😉

Rennie: Oooooh I’ve never had one of these stick treats before! But they are delicious! The one I tried was the Webbox Tasty Sticks Duck Treats tho i am sure all their other flavours are just as delicious.

Oliver: Right! It’s my turn! Stick treats are one of my favourites…

Nubia: Why is it that I am ALWAYS the last one to enjoy a treat in this household…

Renegade: Of course Webbox doesn’t just do meaty stick treats they also do delicious Lick-e-Lix!
Freya: WHAT! Let me on on that!!!!

Renegade: Well… since I had to share…. Oli…
Oliver: WHAT! Get off my bowl…
Renegade: Come on… pretty please… I had to share with Freya!!!
Oliver: Didn’t I sa no to you…
Renegade: *Lick lick lick* What? Did you saw something?
Oliver: Ah nevermind… I had most of it anyway. Arguing with brother is futile after all. 😐
Renegade: That’s it from us all! Thank you so much to Webbox for our lovely slection of treats. 😀
Signed by,
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Shatterer of Peace
Nubia!??? How I’ve missed you! You look beautiful as usual! I do hope you and your brother Oliver will be seen more often! You’ve both been very missed!?? Head butts and skritches to you both…and an extra kiss to sweet Nubia?????.
??? Andrea….ps..I think you should always get first dibs on treats! It’s only right!?.
I think Rennie and Freya have been trying to make up for the fact that they’ve not been on the blog for as long as the other two. 😉
We certainly are seeing more photos with Oliver and Nubia again so there will be more and even some stories with all four 😀
What a great box to receive! My kitties are very jealous as they love Lick-e-Lix too.
I also think it’s a good treat to use to hide medication in, if necessary ?
Oh yes they are brilliant for medicine hiding. 🙂
treats for all!
I so look forward to reading about what these four ‘kids’ are up to every day. Thanks for making each and every day such joy-ful viewing.
Awwwww thank you so much! This means a lot to us. 🙂
Meow meow Renegade, Freya, Oliver an Nubia it iss lovlee to see all of you enjoyin all THE treetss!! Mee has never seen a stick-treet bee-fore. They look purrty taste!
Happy snackin, MOL 🙂
**purrsss** BellaDharma
Gourmand ??
In my next life I wanna come back as a cat at your house. I will be spoilt! Cheers,H
Haha! They certainly are spoilt XD
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I purchased that same bowl Oliver was eating out of for Sully I think last year or the year before
It’s a brilliant bowl. We love it. 🙂
Sadly I bought one a little small for her. I think there were 3 sizes and I got the medium one.
Aaaah yes it does come in three sizes!
So medium good for kittens and up just not ADULT cats (or maybe she was taller no idea)
All depends on the body shape of each cat I think.
I’ve missed you Nubia! You go girl, grab center stage more often! And your bro, Oliver. You are the Originals!
There will be more of the originals. 🙂