Moroccan Rescue Cats are Looking for Loving Homes in the UK

Disabled, but amazing Moroccan rescue cats, who just want to lead normal lives are looking for loving homes in the UK.  Please contact Erham via Facebook if you’d like to adopt them!

Kittens are in high demand in the UK, can you imagine then, that in Azemmour Morocco, 100’s of these beautiful little souls are literally ‘thrown away’ every month with little consideration for their future well-being. Discarded like trash – unwanted and unloved.

ERHAM (Arabic for ‘Take Pity’) a tiny cat rescue based in Azemmour, Morocco is trying to stop this appalling behaviour – our mission is to sterilise the street cats, to reduce the population and stop the suffering of thousands of unwanted kittens, but as we work we come across kittens and cats who need more from us and cannot be returned to the streets – they simply wouldn’t survive, and they are now looking for homes in the UK.

This is Blanca:

She knew what normal was once, but then something happened which broke her back leg. Then nothing happened. She must have been in a great deal of pain by time we found her and it was too late to save her leg, the bone was infected. But it wasn’t too late to save her. Despite now only having 3 legs, she loves normal things – running, jumping, playing, humans and good food! She’s a little protective around other cats, although having said that she does live with 12 others! 

Her home in the UK, would need to have a garden as running is one of her favourite things. She’ll love you to bits until you can’t take any more. Now approx 18 months old, she’s sterilised, vaccinated and ready to fly!

This is Suhki:  

She utterly believes she’s normal. Loves playing, loves humans, loves other cats, loves affection….…. how could she know she’s blind and also very very beautiful! She was found at 5 weeks old, abandoned on the streets in Morocco and suffering from a complication of cat flu. She survived the virus, but lost her sight. Blind cats are amazing and just need a safe environment to be what Suhki wants to be. Normal.

Now 18 months old, she’s sterilised, vaccinated and the paperwork will be ready for her to travel at the end of November. She’ll love you to bits and never cease to amaze you.

This is Emma:  

She’s a very normal cat who loves home comforts and humans. Normal in that way. But not normal in that she survived for the first 6 months of her life on the streets of Morocco with just 3 legs and very little to eat. We took her in to sterilise her and of course we couldn’t put her back! She spent 3 days purring and treading in the isolation tent we gave her, even though the door was open. She spent the next 3 days on the nearest bed doing the same. When she finally came downstairs to find kittens playing she wondered what ‘playing was’ and tried to join in. She was so funny and still is. She’s talkative too!  

This is Naji:  

She’d like to be a normal cat and live in just 1 home for the rest of her life. She was found on the Street with an injured leg and was taken care of for 4 months at refuge until it closed. ERHAM then took over and she was fostered but she didn’t do well living with 24 other cats….. she got bullied and became nervous. We moved her to my house where she now lives but she would love to have more human contact. She’s very gentle, loves humans and will thrive with a 1 to 1. Anyone? She’ll love you to bits. Gently.

This is Shadow:  

Shadow appears to be normal, but she’s not. She’s special, and she’s blind. Her blindness, unlike most other afflicted cats in Morocco is congenital and because of it she was abandoned, at 6 weeks old on the rubbish tip. Luckily, we were alerted to her plight before she’d been exposed to the many viruses there. She’s a gentle soul, very loving and affectionate, happy to be around other cats and loves to play! She would make a very loving companion, and just needs to live in a safe environment to be her beautiful loving adventurous, normal self. 

Taking care of a blind cats can be incredibly rewarding and is just the same as caring for an able-bodied cat, so long as the environment is safe. They soon know their home by heart but also love the stimulation of outside. All it takes for them to be safe is a secure garden with walls/fences they can’t reach from the ground. That’s most gardens! 

One such cat now living in London was abandoned next to some rubbish bins at 5 weeks old. He had severe eye infections and was left to die. I rescued him and his brother minutes before a huge rain storm would have drowned them. He is now adored, spoilt, and a constant source of joy. Most visitors to his home don’t realise he’s blind as he’s so agile, knows the house instinctively, and loves to cuddle! All these blind cats want is to be given a chance to lead a normal life. Could it be you who enables that for Suhki and/or Shadow?

Beauty before and after:  

We have been working in Azemmour for 4 years now, and despite the pandemic and lack of support by local government we have sterilised almost 800 cats, fed and rescued hundreds, attended to emergencies and have had a huge impact on the welfare of cats in this town. We long to do more and with your help we will always be there.

It’s wonderful to walk through the streets and see clipped ear (sterilised) healthy cats, water bowls made from cut down plastic bottles, street cats being fed by locals with croquettes now available in Azemmour and appreciate how far we have come. It’s especially rewarding when we still have to face so many heart-breaking scenarios.

Please donate if you can and join us in this humane work. To sterilise a cat in Azemmour is £45.00 and saves hundreds of unwanted kittens from short lives of suffering.—Morocco

Please contact Erham via Facebook if you’d like to adopt them!

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3 thoughts on “Moroccan Rescue Cats are Looking for Loving Homes in the UK

  1. Erin, the Literary Cat. says:

    I have learned only late in life that no act of kindness goes unrewarded. Karma. This year I am giving my extra xmas food allowance money to this charity. December 25th will be just that. But the warm glow I already feel by donating is far greater than a day of madness and overeating. So many need our help, yes. But many little drops, many £1’s if you will, make an ocean of difference when your safety, warmth and nourishment are on the line.

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