Guest Star: Sully Cat (a MEOWography)

The following guest story is by ©Kim Marie Ostrowski and first appeared on her HubPages blog.

Previously a writer on Squidoo 2008- folded. I write about entertainment, crafts, writing, beauty and anything else that inspires me


My Silly Sully

This is the story of how I came to adopting that Cute little pinky Nose to the left that I named Sully, oh & she chose me.

On July 5, 2002 we had to put my cat Tiffany to sleep. Tiffany kept getting water on her lungs etc & we already had it drained twice and she really wasn’t eating. So we thought it would be more humane to let her go. We gave her a nice morning & let her go smell the flowers on the deck before I left for work, being it was a beautiful day and all. During lunch mom picked me up & we went to say bye to ‘Tiffy’. (The vet was around the corner from my job at the time) She looked at us until she passed like she was saying ‘Thank you & I love You.’ Between this & getting Sully was an odd time for me; as I don’t remember being without a cat in my life. I think I was moping around the house and couldn’t figure out why I felt lost.

We adopted Sully August 2, 2002 from Just Strays who rescused her from Sing Sing prison. There was a guard that was putting the cats, (kittens) that were part of a rehab program there down the incinerator. (the A-holes never had the cats ‘fixed’ or however they got the cats didn’t give them ones that were)

We think Sully was a kitchen cat at the prison as she likes to ‘help’ in the kitchen when we are preparing the food. She might sit on the chair and watch, & sometimes will swipe a piece of lettuce or some other leafy green item. She doesn’t go on the table tho’ its very cute, sometimes she puts her paws on it at the edge like a little kid. (Ie: my Sully Baby)

My home made movie poster

My home made movie poster

Sully cat…..Where you at?

Ok so what the heck is up with this picture? I forget if there was even any Solstice gifts left in there that she was trying to get out,

Get to know her personality

Oh in case you are wondering what’s up with her name, I named her after the lead singer Sully Erna of the band Godsmack, not after the Monsters Inc. character. However you might think that means Sullivan but I have no idea how the lead singer started to be called Sully as his real name is not Sullivan (of what I’ve read).

Some say that you don’t choose a cat, that they choose you. With Sully I think that was true, I was looking for a sign of what cat to choose (there was one tiny Black & 1 tiny white one in a cage that’s how small they were) I wanted them & to call them Yin & Yang but they were too young to adopt & still nursing)

Anyway… I was playing with the cats & Kittens in the room, & specifically looking for a black cat. I was on lunch when I went to pick her out. I wasn’t leaving til I had a cat but I know my boss would have been understanding enough if I came back a bit late) (I think) I had Sully on my lap (or she was close to me) & she was sticking out her tongue. That cracks me up when they forget to put their tongue back in their mouths, and why ‘I’ picked Sully. She’s my little court jester.

No knock against my previous cats, I love them all for different reasons; but so far Sully is the best. She’s a lap cat for mom, my little baby & best friend, she comes in my room (when not locked) to say good morning, or wish me good night. She likes to play with crazy things like the plastic from a 6 pack. She behaved herself when I brought on separate occasions one of the cats from work home (long weekend- when they got Pepper at my old job we just got her (Pepper) that Thursday & it was like Memorial day weekend. Then on another occasion Andy which would come & go as he pleased didn’t come back before closing for a long weekend & we were driving past to go somewhere & saw him so we brought him home. Though he was a bit of a pain to Sully as he usually was with Pepper.

Forget the headless Horseman




The Court Jester

Sully should have her own comedy show. She makes use laugh and puts me in fits at times, makingme laugh so hard it literally hurts (to breathe, face, etc).

She does some silly things some baffle us to not knowing if we should laugh or not. For instance, here apparently she’s being possessed by an Ostrich. For some reason she has a licking habit, every so often I’ll hear an odd noise, and after turning around tehre’s Sully licking the window, or the coffee table (which that I can understand being spills happen on occasion but not windows, or wood) Then there’s her ‘boyfriend’ which is a stuffed animal we call ‘crazy cat’ which is one of those Alley Cats that you click the foot and it makes loud nasty cat meowing (like its in a fight) & Sully comes & licks it I guess trying to calm him down. Too cute!

I have so many nicknames for Sully I can never remember them all at once. I call her my Pinky Nose, as well as my Silly Sully (one reason why you will see in one of the polaroids) plus we think that her mama never got the chance to teach her some things as sometimes she runs so fast she runs into the wall, as well as to this day still has not learned to close her eyes while scratching her head.

Sully likes to play tag & Hide & Seek (I swear), and loves when company comes over. She also ‘talks’ to us. If we ask her something or say something she will answer back! When I was working, she used to come wake me up before my alarm went off and we actually have to spell out a certain word

S-H-R-I-M-P in front of her so she hopefully doesn’t know what we are talking about. When we do, she usually licks her chops!

After she goes to the bathroom, she flies through the house like someone lit her butt on fire. I don’t think her mama cat ever taught her anything (or much) as well.. Sully is Kitty Kineval she forgets to put the breaks on & I’m sure she had to have given herself at least one concussion in the time we’ve had her.

More of Sully can be found here, and don’t forget you can submit your own cat stories via



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2 thoughts on “Guest Star: Sully Cat (a MEOWography)

  1. retrodee says:

    What a funny girl Sully is! She sounds like my Holly! Just when we think we’ve seen it all, she does something even funnier. I love the pink on Sully’s nose, I’ve never seen an all black cat with a pink nose, she is definitely something special.

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