Hi everyone,
We have some exciting news for you! As of this month we have a new family member called Mactavish and it only took him 4 days to accept them as their little baby. 😉
Of course we picked him up in our comfy sleepypod mobile pet bed from our friends and sponsor.
After an uneventful journey we got home and started of with a slow introduction and allowing him to have his own room.
We popped open the top of the sleepypod and it didn’t take him long to start making his way out of the carrier.

As you can see… slightly too fast for the camera. :O
He soon found my lap and while worried at first…

… he quickly calmed down and started making super cute and slightly scary yawn impressions. 😮
And most certainly loves his tummy rubs!
Super hot as he is tho we nick named him dwarf star. 😀
And a mere few days later he joined the two naughties in their nest in my office. 🙂
More of his mischievous adventures will follow soon, in the meantime why do we preach to use sleepypod products for all of our cat “transportation”?
Well it’s simple really! This particular carrier is purrfect for traveling to unfamiliar locations with your felines. It’s easy to access from the top and allows you to cuddle your cat while they can feel safe, secure and warm in their mobile pet bed. Additionally you’ll be able to keep it out as a stylish bed at home thanks to the removable mesh dome so that they feel like they are just travelling in their family bed! The other great thing is that the lovely plush fabric is removable and can be machine washed should an accident happen on a journey.

And lastly… travelling long journeys by car? Maybe to a cat show or a new home? Well… thanks to it’s seat belt straps this carrier can be securely belted in for the car journey!
I’ve included their instructional video for you which is great in finding out more about how to safely use the carrier, especially for the car journeys!
Got to get and little girl the hamster &rat man
Congrats! He’s super handsome…good health and long life to Mactavish!
thanks. <3
Lovely cats, what is their nature? They look sweet.
they are super sweet in nature. A bit more like a dog cat tho as they constantly want attention. XD
Aw sweet ??
Such a cutie! Congratulations.
thank you 😀
Welcome Mactavish! What a little cutie!
OhMyKat! He is wonderful and cuddly <3
Welcome to the world of cats 😀
Salutations Mactavish! Welcome to your mew home! You’ll find they’re very well trained hoomans! Sincerely, Princess Tiger Beauty and Royal Court. With the assistance of old Purrsanthema here.
Is Sleepypod available in the US? I’d like to get one for Holly without paying too much for shipping.
They certainly are! 🙂 https://sleepypod.com
Wow MacTavish is so handsome don’t they look adorable all together.x???
You keep getting more and more fur kids! McTavish is a seriously cute little guy. I love his scary yawn-face.
New to this site so wondering what breed your beautiful cats are? They are lovely!
Renegade is an oriental and the other 2 are straightcoat Peterbald’s 🙂