Katzenworld Cats: Fun with the Premium Rustling Cushion by 4cats

Hi everyone,

It’s me little Ha’Penny today! And finally I got to try one of the fabulous 4cats toys that my siblings always get to dig their claws in. 😀

Ha’Penny: Oh Hi there human! So you want to video me with the toy? 😀 Of course!

Ha’Penny: So why is the premium rustling cushion so good? Well for starters it either comes with the top-secret 4cats in-house formula of catnip which works on plenty more cats than usual or of course their valerian filling but in addition to that it also has those fun tassels!!! 4cats has designed them to be sturdy and securely attached so that us felines can’t pull them off easily. 🙂

Tassels make a great extra bit of fun and engagement for us younger cats that might not yet re-act to cat attract yet. It’s actually a little known fact that young kittens often haven’t developed the attraction to catnip and need to mature before the alluring effect works on us. 😀

Furthermore the large cushion has a layer of parchment paper hidden inside it to give it an extra rustling noise which I love! Not too loud and not too quiet so purrfect for our sensitive hearing.

Ha’Penny: Uncle Oliver, old as he is, of course goes absolutely bonkers on the catnip toy! ;o

Ha’Penny: Either way… I shall not return this cat toy and my humans will need to get out another one for the rest of the clowder. 😉

4cats Premium Rustling Cushion

Signed by,

Her Meowjesty Queen Ha’Penny the Ruler of the World
His Meowjesty King Renegade the Flash

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12 thoughts on “Katzenworld Cats: Fun with the Premium Rustling Cushion by 4cats

        • Marc-André says:

          She sadly had to move to an only cat home
          With friends. ?

          When she got older she decided to dominate the house so much that it wasn’t fair on the others or her. I still have a number of photos I need to turn into stories and do a
          Long term
          Update on her. 🙂

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