Lines Written by Coco the Cat to Masterblaster

“I move through midnight on my velvet paws
And circle silently around your bed.
O rest now, lovely poet sleepy head!
And let me guard you with my sacred claws.

The world we live in is filled up with flaws,
Alas, our lives are brief and we are sped.
We live our nine of them, some over fed,
And strive to understand your human laws.

Yet when you drift off I arise in power —
The goddess Sekhmet, guarding all your dreams;
With all my magic healing you, astir
For every second, every patient hour.
I bring you balms, until the golden beams
Of Ra awaken you unto my purr.”

Written Apr 21, 2013 © Anissa Nedzel Gage, All rights reserved

Anissa Nedzel Gage = Purrsanthema

Original artwork by Anissa Nedzel Gage

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