Hi everyone,
Today we’ve got a very sad story from Mayhew. Earlier this year a person decided to dump these poor kittens and her mum which luckily were rescued by the wonderful people of the charity Mayhew. : (
A box of tissues will be required reading this!
Eight week old kittens and their mother cruelly dumped at the side of the road by passing motorist
- Cat and four kittens were thrown from car before unseen driver sped off
- Horrified passer-by brought kittens straight to Mayhew
- Mother bolted in panic, only to be found by a second member of the public two days later – she had returned, starving and in distress, to search for her babies
- One kitten humanely put to sleep after a painful struggle with severe anaemia and significant kidney problems
- Three remaining kittens and mother now happily rehomed
Earlier this summer a member of the public reported seeing a car pull up in the Queens Park area, before the driver unceremoniously threw four young kittens and their mother out onto the road and sped off. Luckily, the horrified passer-by reacted quickly and managed to scoop up the kittens before they could run away. Unfortunately, the adult female cat had already panicked and bolted.

The rescuer immediately called Mayhew and was asked by Alisa Ford, our Deputy Head of Animal Welfare, Community, to bring them in to us as soon as possible. They arrived shortly after, shaking with fear and covered in fleas.
The three girls and one boy kitten were crying continuously for their mum, and Alisa quickly settled them in to a warm cabin in our Cattery where they could recover from their ordeal in a calm and quiet environment. Alisa named the kittens after members of Mayhew’s Animal Welfare team – Georgina, Tania, Alisa and Paul.
After a safe nights sleep, all four kittens were admitted to our Vet Clinic for a thorough examination. Thankfully, this revealed that Paul, Georgina and Tania were all in good health. However, our vets soon became concerned about tiny Alisa, as she was urinating excessively and seemed continuously thirsty. The Vet team and Cattery staff monitored her closely and administered blood and urine tests to try and establish what was wrong.
Meanwhile, a second member of the public had got in touch about a lost-looking female cat close to where the kittens had been dumped. This cat was starving, and had been frantically searching the area for the last two days, in all likelihood trying to find her babies. She was extremely distressed and disorientated when we picked her up, and our Animal Welfare team immediately sought to calm her down, warm her up and feed her. We named this adult cat Zoe, after our Head of Animal Welfare.
Happily, Zoe the cat made a quick recovery and was soon rehomed, enjoying a much deserved happy ending. Once Georgina, Paul and Tania had also grown bigger and stronger, they were neutered and quickly adopted as well. Unfortunately however, we were saddened to see little Alisa’s health had deteriorated even further by this point. Mayhew Vet Emma discovered through her blood tests that Alisa was severely anaemic, most likely as a result of her flea infestation prior to being admitted. Alisa’s urine analysis also revealed a significant problem with her kidneys.
Having suffered so much already in her young life, and with her being so weak from anaemia, Alisa’s prognosis was extremely poor. Our vets therefore made the difficult decision to alleviate her painful struggle and bring her life to a humane end. Our dedicated team ensured the little kittens’ final moments felt safe, warm and calm, and she was hugged as she drifted peacefully away.

Our Animal Welfare team get calls about animals like Zoe and her kittens being abandoned and thrown away like rubbish every single day. We ensure that every animal in need of help receives the best care no matter how sick they are, and do everything in our power to help them get better and find their happy ending with a loving new home. If, like poor Alisa, we are unable to improve their standard of life, we make sure they are warm, comfortable and loved in their final hours.
To find out more about Zoe, her kittens and our rescue work, please visit the Mayhew website here.
You can also watch the Mayhew appeal video here.
I began tearing up as I read this post. Who could throw young kittens and their mother out of a car window like trash? I’m sad for Alisa but happy all of the babies and their mom found loving homes. I’m also glad there’s a place like Mayhew to take care of abused and abandoned cats. Karma rewards those who do good, and punishes those who do evil.
Sorry I should have added a tissue warning! And yes I don’t know what we’d do without people like Mayhew.
There are some vile people in the world. Thank goodness for kind people!
Sadly so 🙁
What a horrible thing to do to poor helpless animals. I’m so glad this story has a happy ending for most of the cats.
Thank you <3
I’m a meow person love all cats but that person should be prosecuted and jailed and band from keeping pets
Thanks Alan! And yes agreed no one should be allowed to do this to animals. :/
Very Sad, and makes me thing how cruel people are…I have heard stories from people in Greece to have literally thrown kittens in the garbage, when they don’t want them! When I confronted them asking how they could have acted like this, and that they could have just been responsible and neutered their cats, their replied that they don’t want to intervene on the nature and that is cruel to neuter their cats…honestly I don’t understand! Very sad. Am sorry so much and I really wish things to change soon…
I really don’t understand people sometimes… ?
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Bless all of you for the good work that you do.
Thank you! And we try to share as much of the work these charities do as we can. <3
how can people be so cruel? so happy that they were rescued by good humans. pity that Alisa didn’t make it.
Another sad story of a human cruelty to animals. Bless the person who stopped and bless Mayhew Animal charity once again for their tremendous work.
To bad they didn’t get the license plate # of the jerks that threw the kittens out of the car. Karma will get them, though.
How horrible Mamma cat and her kitten being thrown own out like rubbish. Anymore you can’t trust all shelters. They say to bring them if its an emergency but when you call and tell them they won’t take them. My family contacted several shelters and they turned us down. They claimed they were to full. I thought shelters took animals no matter what especially in emergencies and ours was an emergency.
I don’t understand why these people can’t just contact an animal shelter and ask them to take in the unwanted animals? There is no need to just abandon any animal, for any reason. Help is always available.
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If I saw that happen I might have to have my passenger jump out with the cats and I would chase the person down. I might even do something stupid. I cannot tell you how much I have thought of this scenario. People are cruel, but I assure you I can be more cruel if left to do as I please to someone like that.
I don’t understand people. Who would do something that horrible to these precious babies? They look well loved now though. 🙂
Calico kittens are great companions.
This sort of thing upsets me?
Us too :’(
Thanks for the tissue alert! (Keep them on hand. I can never understand why people an be so heartless. Wish the mother had been reunited with her kittens. Cheers,H
I know! It begs belief what people do to poor animals. ???
I hope whoever did that has the same thing done to them thrown literally n the garbage and not aloud out for weeks and withtout food or water