Hi everyone,
Please find below a guest story by AshTheGamingFox:
This is midnight, she’s my sister’s cat and we don’t know her age.
She’s a rescue who came to us for help, she’s declawed which is something no one should do to their cat as it’s cruel.
We have believed she was neglected, when she came to us for help she was underweight, very skittish and only had her back claws.
Midnight is a sweet loving still skittish cat, we don’t know her real birth-date so we made one for her.
Oct 30th is her birthday, we found her on Halloween!! She’s a special cat to us all in the family and mainly enjoys being outside with all the other three cats on the deck.
Midnight has an incredible story behind her that I’d love to share on twitter to everyone to hear and spread the message of them not being bad luck but being good luck and having incredible stories that they share.
If you’d like to know more about Midnight, my twitter is @AshTheGamingFox.
Have you got a story to share? None is too small or too big! We want to hear your story today. 🙂
Beautiful gorgeous midnight. It so upsets me when I hear of people declaring cats…They Have No Right Are They Just Plain Stupid CATS NEED THEIR CLAWS. So glad she found a wonderful,loving,caring forever home. Bless You All.x
If only declawing was outlawed in all countries. Sadly many people don’t even realise what it means. :/
Beautiful,gorgeous Midnight. It so upsets me when I hear of people declawing cats. Are they just plain stupid.CAT’S NEED THEIR CLAWS. Im so happy she found a loving,caring forever home. Bless you all. x???
Midnight is a beautiful cat. I’ve never thought that black cats are unlucky ( I’ve been owned by two black cats) Declawing should not be allowed as it’s cruel. It’s great that Midnight has been lucky and found a loving home.
Thank you Rebecca :). And agreed declawing should be banned in all countries!
never declaw your kitty! it’s animal cruelty. Midnight is a a beautiful black cat and happy that she is safe and loved.
Indeed. It’s sad that many people don’t realise what exactly that procedure means. 🙁
She is beautiful! I used to have a black cat named Ninja. She was a total love. I still miss her. She died of cancer, years ago. Black cats are beautiful.
Ninja is a very fitting name for a black cat. Nubia is a silent ninja too but when she pounces on the bed you do feel it more like a sumo wrestler tackling you. ?
That is the very best of outcomes. I hope that Midnight now settles and won’t be as scared.
Black cats rock, always have and always will do 🙂 We just need to change the humans 😉
Toodle pips and purrs
In Japan black cats don’t have this stigma of bad luck they do in the West. And even more so at Halloween you get to buy loads of cute black cat gifts and decorations celebrating the good fortune black cats bring. We should try and do the same here.
We should indeed. For such a progressive species we are so badly rooted in the past.
Midnight’s journey along the way from being neglected to finding my sister & I has been a wonderful pleasure to have her around. She’s such a great cat and I don’t think you’ll find someone as beautiful as her. Even though she was declawed and nelegected she’s never afraid to show her braveness around raccoons. She’ll fight them if she has to. She’s a soft-hearted cat on the outside but on the inside she’s a tough kitty! I’ve seen her fight off raccoons before. She still refuses to eat her food inside but that’s always fine by me. She’ll stay inside every once and a while. Yesterday I had to go outside durning a thunderstorm & pick her up. She wasn’t happy about it but it was for her own sakes. And yes, declawing cats do need to stop. Every year at least a thousand cats or more are DECLAWED! This is really animal abuse. She ahs a new favorite hiding spot which is super hard to find her under neath the deck. She blends in so well! Well~ I love hearing opions about Midnight’s Story. But anyways, it’s a huge thanks & purrs to Marc for making this happen. (:
You are most welcome 🙂
Yes, black cats are beautiful. Sorry to hear about your black cat Ninja.
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