Hi everyone,
Yes it’s me Oliver here today and I was able to eat the new delicious food out of a new bowl first. 😀
Oliver: The food is called The Feline Cuisine Company which is available via Tesco in the UK. And you can just about see my new cute bowl by Monmon Cats on the left – if you look closely you can see a cat just about to pounce on a little mouse!

Renegade: WHAT! New food and I am not invited to the pawty?!?
Oliver: Oh no here we go…
Renegade: Let’s see what’s in there. 😮
Oliver: What… how did Rennie open the box. o.O
Renegade: Easy! I am super cat!

Oliver: Now how are we going to get in there o.o
Renegade: Certainly not your way…
Rennie: HUMAN! Stop taking photos and give us a hand with your opposable thumbs!

Renegade: Look I am starving! 🙁
Oliver: Don’t think that’s working…
Renegade: *Pleading and rolling around* Waaaaaaaaahhhhh I am wasting away o.o
Renegade: AT LAST! It’s being opened and put into our high bowl by Monmon Cats! 😀
Oliver: Yummy! And so much easier to eat out of this bowl. 😀
Renegade: But but but… I was meant to eat out of that bowl!!!
Renegade: HUMANS! Help me! I am staaaaaarving!
Oliver: *Munches way*

Renegade: WAAAAAH! That’s it! I shall have to push in!
Oliver: This is MY bowl! Find your own!!!!
Renegade: Tell the humans to get a second one of these. Pleeeeeaaassseeee. <3

Renegade: Ha! I am getting preferential treatment now… Fed with a spoon! 😀

Oliver: Looks like you got a bowl after all now…
Renegade: And a low one at that! 🙁 This is no fun it’s much more difficult to eat out of this one…
Oliver: I am the older one so I need the easier bowl! ;P

Oliver: Right now that I am finished…
Renegade… I may finally have the better bowl?!?
Oliver: …. no it’s Nubia’s turn first!
Renegade: Argh! @_@
Renegade: Fellow felines out there! When you get your humans to order one of these bowls from Monmon Cats make sure that they order one PER cat in your household…
Oliver: Before you send them off to order stuff you might want to tell them a bit more about the brand first. Because you see this is not just practical by elevating our food it’s also a pawesome piece of art by a famous Tattoo artist who happens to love cats. 😀
Renegade: Even more of a reason that the bowl should be mine.
Oliver: Stop interrupting me…. I was going to ask our fellow felines to pass the below details to their humans!
About Monmon Cats:
This unique concept was born out of a combination of Horitomo’s two great passions in life- tattoos and cats. The word Monmon is a Japanese term for tattoo and the term Monmon Cats was perfect to describe his tattooed cat art. Since the publication of his book, Monmon Cats, they have been making prints, apparel and other merchandise and strive to uphold the high quality standard exhibited in his art.
Horitomo has been tattooing for over twenty years and is well versed in Japanese tradition including tebori (Japanese hand tattooing). He currently works at State of Grace Tattoo in San Jose, CA. He has done extensive design work for Sega Game Systems and has also exhibited at the Asian Art Museum San Francisco as well as the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. He is the author of two books; Monmon Cats and Immovable.
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Prince Renegade also known as The Flash
These guys are so funny ! I always enjoy their forays with new food and cat goodies.
Thanks so much 😀
The world needs more Oliver and Renegade and Nubia too!
Awwwww thank you 😀
Pingback: Oliver & Renegade: Feline Cuisine and the Monmon Cats Bowl! - Katzenworld Shop
Your fur-kids are so spoilt! All they do is roll around and get their photos taken and try all the new goodies. I’m coming back as a cat! Cheers,H
XD and they know it. They only do stuff now if there is a present involved haha.
Hahaha… Happy Oliver.
🙂 indeed
Those bowls are awesome! We are big fans of Hortitomo here and thank you very much for sharing. Fortunately the bowls are not that expensive, so yes Renegade, we will have to order one for each cat.
🙂 glad you liked the post.
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