Hi everyone,
It’s Oliver here today! And apart from having just gotten something delicious I’d like to tell you more about how my brother and I spend quality time with our humans. : D
Oliver: So what I do to spend quality time with my human is sneak under his bed cover just after he goes to bed. I’ll slowly crawl in from the bottom of the bed and carefully walk up to his chest until I am in the right position to curl up next to him and tickle him with my fur and whiskers! Not surprisingly my human of course let me sleep there all night if I want to! Even if it means that he gets hardly any sleep as I wake him up with my tickling and chipping. 😉
Renegade: Well! You are not the only one with odd habits brother! :p
Oliver: I wouldn’t call it odd… So how do you spend time together?
Renegade: I will curl up into the other humans arms while he is watching TV or attempts to play with that remote controller for the black box of games whatever it is called. The humans say I like to sleep like a little baby on him. 😀
Oliver: You sure that you are not putting on fat?!?
Renegade: No! This is my curl up position!!! But wait I think the human has some more photos.

Renegade: Look this is another one of my favourite moments together. The chin scratches! Such a difficult location for us cats to get to… so it’s purrfect if the humans can take care of it. 🙂
Renegade: Sometimes I even help him tidying up and doing the cleaning around the flat!
Oliver: Hmmm…. is that what it is called today? 😮
Renegade: Be quiet brother! I am very helpful! Why else would the humans describe me as “always following them around and sticking my head into EVERYTHING they do”
Oliver: Of course another important aspect of us allowing our humans to spend time with us are treats and food! And this is where our humans found us a lovely new creamy treat by Sheba.

Renegade: You mean this one? 😀 I’ll have it first…
Renegade: What where did you come from Ollie!
Oliver: Ha well I’ve got first dips on this. 😀
Oliver: See this plate? This has a very special meaning to me and my favorite human. He got it for me when I was ill to feed me with special food that (unfortunately) contained some medicine. But since that it’s become our dish for special treats and special moments. 🙂

Oliver: So of course the luxury Sheba snack had to be served on my special plate for me. 😀
Renegade: But whaaaaaaaaat about meeeeeeeee!
Oliver: What! NO! This is my special moment on my special plate! You really are more like a puppy sometimes brother!

Oliver: The humans say love “goes through the stomach” and I certainly have to agree with them on this. <3 This was such a delicious treat my humans got me for this special moment on my scratch tree.
Renegade: Not just my brother has a special dish tho… I do too! This little plate my humans brought back from one of their holidays as a present. I guess they know how much my siblings and I dislike it when they are aware so they always bring back a special present for each of us. This one they brought me back from the far far away country of Japan. 😀
Renegade: Hurry up! Open it for me. <3
Renegade: Sorry… can’t wait for you to squeeze it out for me!

Renegade: <3 Yes I have to agree with my brother. These are super delicious and most certainly show how much our humans love us. Thank you for always being there for me and creating special moments together. 🙂
Oliver: So now it is your turn! Tell us what you and your cat do together to spend more time with each other.
Renegade: And most importantly do you and your cat have a favorite treat for creating these special moments together? My brother and I certainly think that the Sheba Creamy treats that are now available at ASDA are purrfect for creating special moments either by hand feeding us from the handy sachets or using our special plates for serving. 😀
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Prince Renegade the Ursurper and Creator of Chaos
In our house, the two cats need to find out, who is allowed to sit at Mommy, when she sits down and who is allowed in the bed. We don’t always agree, even we are brothers and will become 15 years in the next summer.
We love, when Mommy cook chicken, rabbit or fish, then she use to share with us, which we find is a great idea.
Ha we do have those arguments sometimes too. ;o
Lovely photos!
Thank you ^^
Pingback: Oliver & Renegade: Spending Quality Time with our Humans - Baptize A Cat?
Thanks 🙂
These two are so entertaining ! The three of them must be a right handful to deal with !
Luckily they get on well most of the time but there is quite a bit of entertainment at times. ;o
A lovely family. It says much about a human to be loved by a feline or two…
Indeed! And we are glad to have them around. 🙂
Rennie, you sleep with your human the same way I do when she reads…in her arm curve like a baby. I can help turn pages this way. I think your treat dishes are awesome! ~ Rusty Tonks
😀 Rennie is glad to hear that he isn’t the only feline out there that sleeps like that. Haha
a household of love. such sweet photos!
🙂 thanks so much. And I hope you can visit us and the three mischievous ones at some point. ^^
So lovely to see you Rennie being so affectionate.. Most pictures so far he has seemed like he is always on the move.
Guess Nubia was sleeping through this one. Hope they saved some of the delicious treat for her.
Nubia prefers to be affectionate when there is no camera around for evidence. ?
And yes Rennie has very sweet moments but again mostly when there are no cameras near by and the second you move to get one he is on the move too… LOL
I know what you mean, both Diavolo and Sunshine would rather both hands were on them rather than one on a camera.
Yep that’s exactly it. 🙂
Wonderful <3
Thank you ^^
Amazing ?
Ian’s photos are superb, as always!
Wishing you all a wonderful, peaceful, full of lots treats Christmas 😀
Thank you <3
Love the photos,love the dishes and love you all.x?????
Awww thank you 🙂