Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – Adventures in the spaceship Part 1

Hi everyone,

We are back for the 10th instalment of The amazing adventures of Oliver & Nubia!

Today’s story is based on one of our previous reviews. If you remember we reviewed the Litter Robot here. And you’ve got to admit the futuristic automatic litter box does look a lot like a space shuttle!

So we thought… what would our two think of it? Would they think it’s a space shuttle? And from there our thoughts came up with a fun part fictional story board! Enjoy. : )




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12 thoughts on “Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – Adventures in the spaceship Part 1

  1. Pingback: Adventures of Oliver & Nubia – Adventures in the spaceship Part 1 - Baptize A Cat?

  2. Pingback: Adventures of Oliver & Nubia - All Hail the Moon King Oliver - Katzenworld

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