Hi everyone,
As many of you probably know we do like to travel around Japan a fair bit! On one of our trips we went to Wakayama Prefecture which is in the Kansai region.
While walking around the castle grounds of Wakayama Castle we spotted a few of the resident “Wild” cats of the castle grounds.
The first one I spotted was this rather well camouflagged brown cat. 🙂 But a short moment after I spotted this one I noticed a Tuxedo cat that decided to almost rush toward him!
My first thought was… oh no the sleeping cat will be surprised by the intruder and won’t be happy but I shouldn’t have worried. After all we were in a tranquil castle grounds park right? 😉
![img_0958 img_0958](https://i0.wp.com/katzenworld.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/img_0958.jpg?w=677&h=451&ssl=1)
![img_0959 img_0959](https://i0.wp.com/katzenworld.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/img_0959.jpg?w=335&h=224&ssl=1)
![img_0960 img_0960](https://i0.wp.com/katzenworld.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/img_0960.jpg?w=335&h=223&ssl=1)
We were surprised but very glad that all the second cat wanted to do was groom his friend! In fact the cat we spotted first didn’t move and only woke up briefly during the whole grooming process… Which once again proofs that cats CAN and WILL live happily together and we’ve got a lot to learn from them.
Of course the castle ground cats weren’t our only cat themed reason for visiting this part of Japan… Wakayama prefecture is home to one of Japan’s most famous cat celebrities! But more of her will follow soon. 🙂
Hi Marc, I really liked this little cat story. Made me stop work for a while.
Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
We spotted more cats out and about here and will be doing more posts about the cats of Japan that deserve a forever home. <3
I love watching cats groom each other, there’s something quite special about it. ? Thanks for the lovely photos Marc. Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures in Japan. ?
😀 thank you. I’ve taken far too many pictures out here haha
You can never take too many pictures of cats ?
Haha indeed
love it <3
Thanks ^^
Cute story. You must travel a lot with cats or go see cats a lot. Who knows, maybe it’s both.
We travel a lot and will always look out for the cats. 🙂
Good you’re looking out for the cats.
We’ve found a stray one in a park yesterday and gave him some food. 🙂
Good.Is spaying/neutering next? You know what happens when you start feeding a cat? Hopefully another cat is saved then adopted. Good Luck.?
Most strays we see in japan have clipped ears which is to show the TNR people that they have already been neutered. 🙂
Interesting Idea. Didn’t know that.
What a great little tale from your visit to Wakayama. Are you going to talk about Hello Kitty tomorrow? We LOVE her! 🙂
Much better 😉 we just went to the birthplace of the maneki neko in Japan. 😀
Great photos!!! Have you visited a cat island yet? I live up in the Tohoku Region. We have got this awesome little island off the coast of Ishinomaki called Tashirojima in Miyagi Prefecture. The cats outnumber the humans 6 to 1.
We’ve not. :-(. Have you been? 🙂
Oh btw we are looking at launching a Japanese version of Katzenworld if you’d be interested in contributing? 😀
Yes, It was amazing. Not only do they have a multitude of cute well-mannered cats. They have a special area called Manga Island where you can stay in Cat Cabins. There is even a cat shrine.
I’d love to go one day.
I’d love to contribute. I have a few pictures ready to use.
Excellent! Email me at marc@katzenworld.co.uk and I’ll first set you up on the English blog. Japanese one is coming shortly. 😀
Invite sent 🙂