Hi everyone,
It’s Oliver here today and in case you are wondering what I am balancing on it’s the Kalven Tower Penthouse, though my sister and I have nicknamed it the Watchtower.
Oliver: *Sniff sniff* This looks and smells pawesome. 😀
Oliver: But the question is… how am I going to get up… I can’t see any steps or stairs!
Nubia: Silly brother… You are meant to climb up! 😀

Oliver: See sister I made it! Will you come up too?
Nubia: I really want to… but with my three legs! 🙁
Oliver: I’ll find a way for you!

Oliver: Sister! I have an idea on how you might get here!
Nubia: Ok I am listening… It better not involves a crane!
Oliver: No no it doesn’t! 😀

Oliver: See… It’s currently close enough to our old scratchy tower. You can climb or jump across! 😀
Nubia: Hmmmm…. let me try. 😮
Nubia: Yes! I got up! 😀
Nubia: And this is soooooo comfy… Right this is MINE you shall not have it Oli!
Oliver: Ok… but we may have to find a location to help you get up and down!
Nubia: What are we going to do about that? All shall be revealed soon! 😀
Oliver: Meanwhile don’t forget to check out the full range of cat towers over at Kalven.
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Maker of Mischief
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Disturber of Peace
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Thank you. 🙂
Wonder if they ever feel stalked? Just curious if only we could tell?
They may. 😉 we’ve got loads of cameras watching them. ;o
Hahaha so cute Marc. Nice and tall towers made especially for them to play with.
🙂 thank you
Who is the King of the Castle 🙂
Nubia LOL
Maybe I should push my two trees together. The Tower of Meowble.
🙂 it’s a fun way to make a tower a bit different.
Thanks 🙂
A tower for cats is a great idea but we have no room for cat towers sad to say. Our cat still plays.
Ah. Well if you ever have space these are especially good.
Loved the story and well done Oliver for helping his sister.x
Thank you 🙂
I have missed these two cuties – I haven’t been in the bloggisphere much in the last month or so. I am proud of Oliver for finding a way for Nubia…and letting her claim it! 😉
Glad you are back! ^^
Pingback: Oliver & Nubia: Adventures on the Watchtower! – Site Title
Thanks for sharing 🙂
If I wouldn’t have seen the pictures, I wouldn’t have believed it. Shared/reblogged on wordpress.com
Thank you 🙂
Keep the pictures coming.
Will do. ^^
Looks like you are both having lots of fun.
Kitty Cat Magic and Ingenuity!! Smart Kat!!
The Jimi Hendrix Experience – All Along The Watchtower
Thank you. 😀
Looks like a fabulous product! A nice sturdy sisal post and long enough to allow them to scratch at full stretch. I’ll have to check them out!
They are brilliant! And indeed the two love stretching out. 🙂
Oh, I love that. Sometimes I am so jealous of the products on this site. It just isn’t worth it to have it shipped to the states. 🙁
Oh :(. They are not always that expensive to ship but I’m afraid this one is heavy.
Yeah, it would be more expensive than the item, I think. But it is super cool. It sent me looking for something like that here (in the USA). I haven’t found anything yet!
I wonder if a big company could be interested in importing them.
I wish. Although, I looked on the website and I didn’t see the option for the “cuddle platform” (I don’t know what it is called) I just saw a FLAT platform. Nubia and Oliver are special. (Well, of course, but they get special stuff?)
Every cat should be considered special and feel part of the family. In fact, every cat should be an indoor cat, in my opinion. To bad we can’t make all cats indoor cats. Good luck with your platform.
Hi Crystal. Although some cats are capable of adapting to an exclusively indoor life, it cannot replicate the requirements that meet a cat’s natural and instinctive needs, such as hunting and establishing and maintaining territory. There are certainly circumstances under which owners may prefer to keep their cats inside and in these instances the indoor environment, along with the type of interactions between owner and cat, should be adjusted to allow them to exercise their innate needs.
I do agree with your comment. However, I just hate seeing stray cats that people either leave, don’t take care of and want them to have a home. I don’t mind cats if they go outside and then go back home. In fact, our one cat that we put out was chained so she would not run away. she had plenty of room to run even when chained. I don’t like seeing cats or any animal not be taken care of. I used to know a family that hit their poor dog.