What were did you all come from! :O
Didn’t I tell my human NOT to publicise these photos…
*Angry tail flap* I demand loads of fish and gold coated mices as compensation for violating my privacy!!! 😉
And of course signing up to our Newsletter haha. 😀
Signed by
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
It is not as if I have never seen this sight before, Oliver – a cat washing his hindpaw … 😉
Lol 🙂
Dear Oliver, you would insist on bathing right there where anyone with a passing camera can see you. What do you expect?
It could be worse. For us humans when we start that thing we call “dating” our mothers insist on showing our baby pictures (usually naked in the bath) to our prospective boyfriend/girlfriend and they think it is really funny. At least you have your fur coat on.
Lmao! Oh yes the dreaded baby photos. Haha
Just the look MM would give, when caught like this, along with ‘angry tail block’s.
Damn predictive text block’s should have read ‘flick”
Mine was just changed to flipping from flicking =.= iPhone sigh.
Yep there was loads of angry tail flipping on this occasion 😮
Ah haha too cute. I’m on vacation. I have to try and get some different shots of Bette.
😀 it’s fun to take different photos or even just different angles haha
And Bette IS a poser. She lives the attention as long as there is no flash.
Nubia is the same. She will do all kind of cute poses haha
Oh Oliver. The feline who owns me just spent a good five minutes taking my picture with her butt. As soon as she left, I open your blog to see you also take my picture. I feel like I am surrounded by pappurrrrrazzi !!
Haha 🙂
Oliver!! Wow sexy~~~XD!!!
Humans can be SO rude!
Haha xD
Oliver, when did YOU become a drama queen? YOUR human is CONSTANTLY posting photos of you and Nubia. You did not know that? I thought you know EVERYTHING! Stop pretending to be shy. There is nothing we have not seen 1000 times before. Yes, Oliver, you are very CUTE!
Haha xD. No matter how many photos are taken he doesn’t like his having pics 😉
Oliver is adorable – probably thinking – please, can’t you wait until I can strike a pose? lol
LOL! More than likely he is thinking that haha
The look on Oliver’s face! Hahaha~ he should know there is paparazzi everywhere when he’s famous!
Haha 🙂 never shall he escape the camera lol ^^
I have gotten very fond of Oliver’s plump looking little pink nose!
Awww thank you 😀
A startled and menacing look at the same time. Priceless…
Not to forget the slightly angry flipping of the tail 😮
That right there says it all 😀
Haha yeah :o. But that’s ok I’ll pay him in treats to make up for this hehe
Smart human, so would I 😀
Haha ^^
^^ haha
lol… So funny???
Haha thank you 🙂
MOL! ? That human of mine does the same thing to me! What is it with these morons!!?
We do the same to human children. Never seen all the baby photos in baths? 😉
Oh my kats, yes! The humans have tons of pictures of the little creatures playing in the bathtub with their bubbly beards – I’ll never understand those morons! *(shakes head )*
What a lack of respect from your human ! Purrs
Haha xD
We who love our cats must capture every cute pose, it’s part of the deal!
Indeed lol 🙂
“Mices” BOL!
😮 hehe
The Pawparazzi has no respect for you.
Haha xD I do by this was too cute 😉
Haha—poor Oliver. Damn humans and their cameras! :)))
Hehe 😉
Oli – Just get a picture of Marc-Andre with a dog and blackmail him with it. 🙂
XD haha