Farewell to Nubia, the Queen of Katzenworld: A Tribute to Our Beloved Feline

Dear readers, friends and followers.

Last night we sadly had to say goodbye to Nubia, the queen of our Katzenworld clowder.

We were lucky to share over a decade of our lives with this beautiful 3-pawed black panther who came to join us from the Celia Hammond Animal Trust.

We hope the grass is deep and the sun shines for you on the other side of the rainbow bridge Nubia.

Nubia was known for her love for boxes, scratchers and other sleeping locations! But also as the huntress of our Clowder – always on the prowl in the garden even on the rare occasions of snow!

Those of you that have been following us since our beginning will know that her and her brother Oliver were our inspiration for our blog so this was not an easy thing for us to share with you all.

She will be missed and her departure has left a huge gap in our hearts. 🙁

Run free little one on the other side of the rainbow bridge!

Katzenworld Team

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45 thoughts on “Farewell to Nubia, the Queen of Katzenworld: A Tribute to Our Beloved Feline

  1. iamthesunking says:

    Aww, Nubia! I’m so sorry to hear this news. She was a magnificent cat. Louis Catorze bids a solemn adieu to his fellow Chat Noir.

  2. Bernadette says:

    I am so sorry to hear this! I do remember her from your very beginnings. I have been graced by the presence of over a dozen housepanthers through TNR and rescue and a total of 10 ended up staying with me, so I am always focused on the black cat in the story! She really had a wonderful life with you, and she will not be forgotten.

  3. Nancy says:

    She was so loved! I am sorry for your loss. Maybe cat heaven looks like that image of Nubia resting in the long grass. I hope so. Bless you for loving and cherishing her.

  4. angela1313 says:

    Oh Marc Andre I am so sorry. I love black cats and Nubia was special and yes an inspiration. I’ve been following you for a long time and I know there will be a big empty place now.

  5. Catherine A Lingg says:

    I’m so very sorry. I know how much you loved her. I writing through tears. It’s so hard to say goodbye. I know she’s running with butterflies

  6. Patricia Carragon says:

    An angel has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. May Her Majesty, Queen Nubia be surrounded by the love of departed souls. May her bowls be filled daily with kibble and her favorite wet food. May she drink from fountains of fresh water. May she frolic in the greenest grass and play in fields of catnip. May her beds be varied and soft as clouds. May she have the comforts of home and endless toys within her reach. May her memories be gifts for those who love her. Rest in Power, sweet panther. Go in peace.

  7. Leah says:

    I’m so sad and sorry, Marc, to learn of the loss of your Nubia. What a beautiful kitty she was, and what a lovely tribute. Sending love, purrs, and hopes for peace and comfort.

  8. RasmaSandra says:

    I know Oliver will miss his sister but you can bet that Nubia is chasing butterflies happy and free in the meadows of Heaven. My Freddie and Morticia send their sympathetic meows.

  9. franhunne4u says:

    You gave her over 10 years, filled with love, with adventures, with a lovely place, never going hungry, well taken care of. It is hard when they have to leave us. But you did your very best to make that time the best that could be.

  10. Stephen R Ward says:

    I was heartbroken when I read this: and completely understand the pain you will be going through, losing such an important member of your family. I lost my best friend Felix (a soulful tabby) suddenly, over two years ago: and am still struggling… – I really hope it is easier for you. Look after yourselves. Love from Stephen and Pixel (a once-feral tuxedo).

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