Sandra McCune from the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) talks about how we can show our cats some love by giving them special time each day
Of course, we love our cats every day of the year even when they wake us up early in the morning to be fed or cuddled, when they leave their hairs all over the sofa or when they stay out all night and worry us sick! But it is rather nice for them to be recognised with their own special International Cat Day once a year on Tuesday, 8th August.
International Cat Care is the custodian of International Cat Day, an organisation that works internationally to improve cat welfare through collation and promotion of evidence-based research into feline physical and mental wellbeing.
This year they are encouraging us to set aside five minutes each day to play with our cats to improve their physical and mental health.
Kittens are famous for their playful nature but this natural behaviour can persist right into old age. Play is important for cats, particularly those kept exclusively indoors, to keep their minds and bodies active and well. If you’re not sure how to get started, then take a look at this poster created by Mikel Delgado for helpful tips on playing with your cat, beautifully illustrated by Lili Chin.
SCAS understands how special our cats are! As a charitable organisation, SCAS is dedicated to supporting research, promoting best practices, and advocating for policies that help both pets and people. Read more about SCAS here.
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