Alley Cat Rescue 2021 Global Feral Fix Challenge Leads to Spay/Neuter of Over 45,000 Community Cats

Mt. Rainier, MD (February 2, 2022) – Alley Cat Rescue’s 11th annual Feral Fix Challenge wrapped up on December 31, 2021. The Challenge is a global event that invites veterinarians to get involved with trap-neuter-return (TNR) by providing low-cost or free spay/neuter and rabies vaccination for free-roaming cats. The goal of the Challenge is to save feral cats from shelter euthanasia, starvation, and disease by humane population management.

The 2021 Challenge saw participation from veterinarians and clinics across 24 U.S. states as well as Greece, South Africa, the U.K., and the United Arab Emirates, who together sterilized over 45,000 community cats. In past years, vets from a total of 45 U.S. states, Antigua, Canada, Croatia, Israel, India, Japan, and Nicaragua have also taken part in the Challenge. The grand total of cats spayed or neutered as a result of the yearly Challenge is over 175,000.

Alley Cat Rescue founder and president, Louise Holton, explains the significance of this campaign: “The participation of veterinarians around the globe is very important to achieving our ultimate goal, which is the sterilization of all community cats. This process is the only way to reduce the population of outdoor cats; killing them, bedsides being inhumane, simply does not work as studies show new cats will enter vacated areas and breed until the number of cats there is back to the same level as before or even higher.”
The 2022 round of the Feral Fix Challenge is already underway. Veterinarians everywhere are encouraged to join by pledging to provide free or low-cost spay/neuter services to as many free-roaming cats as is feasible for their individual practices via the link

Non-veterinary individuals can get involved by Emailing to request an invitation be sent to their vet, or for a sample invitation if they prefer to invite their vet personally.
Alley Cat Rescue is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare of all cats: domestic, stray, abandoned, and feral. ACR advocates for humane nonlethal control of feral cats. For more information, visit their website
So important! Thanks to those who care!
I totally agree.x???
I will tell my friend who has been tirelessly TNRing his feral colony. Thank you to all those who help TNR the scared little creatures, and help them find a furever home.