Cat Found in Cupboard now Searching for Loving new Home

Poor black cat Mistletoe was discovered in a kitchen cupboard by new homeowners just days before Christmas

A young cat who was found shut in a kitchen cupboard just days before Christmas is now on the lookout for a loving new home.

Black cat Mistletoe – as she has now been named – was found in the Norwich property by the family who had just moved in. They called the RSPCA for help and Inspector Amy Pellegrini went along to rescue the poor puss.

Amy said: “The new homeowners really weren’t expecting to find a cat in their kitchen cupboard when they moved in. They must’ve had quite the surprise!

“They were worried as they have dogs of their own and they didn’t want to frighten Mistletoe any more than she must’ve been already. I went there to help, pick her up and take her to be checked over.

“She was such a sweet thing. I named her Mistletoe because she was found just before Christmas.

“I took her to the vets and thankfully she was in good health – and absolutely lovely.”

After her check-up Mistletoe was moved to RSPCA Norwich Mistletoe and North Suffolk Branch for further care.

Anna Fehr-Foote from the branch said: “Since she was found in the cupboard on 17 December(2021), rescued and brought into our care, Mistletoe has really settled. She is a gorgeous little cat who just loves a fuss and really loves her soft snuggle bed. She will make someone out there a wonderful pet and will be available for rehoming in the coming weeks.”

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