Hi everyone,
Please find below a guest story from Barbara:
I was sound asleep on January 17,1994 and at 4:30am, I was awakened by a magnitude 6.7 earthquake in Northridge California. Since I am not used to earthquakes in Philadelphia, I was a little scared. The next day, my fellow employee told me that the mother cat that was roaming around our office was not going under the house next door to feed her new three week old kitties.
She asked me to climb under the house next door to get them out. In my new pants suit, I proceeded to climb under this house giving me only about two feet of height to do so. When I got to the middle of the house, there I felt four babies and I put them all in my two hands and climbed out. There could have been rats or snakes under that house but I knew those kitties would die because the mother cat was smarter than I. She knew there was after shocks..she wasn’t t going under this house for any reason let alone feed her babies.. I then took the kittens to the vet.
Three of the cats were playing with each other but the black cat just laying there almost motionless. The Vet said he would not make it through the night.
At the time, I was studying to be a Minister at the Agape Church in Culver City LA. I took the black cat in my hand and gave him one of the healing prayers that I learned. He looked up at me and our eyes met. I felt God like I never felt him before. There was so much love between us. I felt like I was with God and we were both looking at this adorable black kitty.
My fellow employee took all the kitties to her place to take care of them. The next morning , she called me and said” I don’t know what u did to this black cat but he didn’t die and he is playing with all the other kittens.
After a couple of weeks, I keep the black cat which I named Ebby and the Calico cat named Kelly. I had them for 19 years. Ebby and Kelly were so lovable. Ebby was especially lovable as if he knew my prayers were answered in regard to his wellbeing. I loved them so and of course miss them so much. I have moved back to the Philadelphia area.

If that was not the big one in California, I didn’t want to experience anything bigger. Not a fan of earthquakes.
Have you got a story to share too? Why not email us at info@katzenworld.co.uk
Thanks for your bravery and concerns!
This brought tears to my eyes: “He looked up at me and our eyes met. I felt God like I never felt him before. ”
I have felt that before and understand why you could never let Ebby go.
awww what a lovely person to help those little kitties and they sure were grateful… 🙂 happy to hear that the little black one survived and was given a whole life of lovings… calico too… 😉
What a wonderful story! Those cats were so lucky to have you there.