A year ago a cat with no eyes was found wandering around a car park after being left in a taped-up cardboard box outside a Blue Cross animal hospital in London. One year later and Larry is living the life of luxury in his new home.
The ginger and white cat was left behind the national pet charity’s hospital on Merton High Street in Merton as the country was going into its first lockdown.
Although left at the door in the box, CCTV shows how the blind cat was then able to escape and wander around the hospital’s car park before luckily being spotted and picked up by the team at the hospital.
The cat, who is thought to have been born blind, was named Larry by the team and met his new owner while she was on her rounds at the charity’s animal hospital in Victoria, London when he was transferred for treatment.
Cristina Buil, Senior Vet at Blue Cross, said: “I had read Larry’s notes before meeting him on my rounds last year at the hospital and I just felt such sadness.
“We sadly see many stray animals here at the hospital who are brought into us, but Larry was so friendly despite what he must have been through having been taped up in the box and then wandering around the car park wondering where he was.
“After such an ordeal you’d expect a grumpy boy, but straight away as I checked him over he was looking for a fuss and rolled over for a belly rub. I decided to take him in on foster until he was ready to go up for rehoming.
“He needed a little bit of help at first, finding his way to his food and water bowls and litter tray, but he soon found his feet and enjoyed exploring his new surroundings.”
When the time came for Larry to go up for rehoming and for Blue Cross to find him a permanent home, Cristina realised he had already found his forever home with her and her boyfriend.
“Larry has such a beautiful nature and has made our lockdown life that bit brighter, we realised he had become part of our life and we couldn’t let him go.
“We’re so happy to see him so content and happy in his new forever home, he loves strokes and fuss and stretching out in sunny spots around our home.

“It’s wonderful to come back home from work and see Larry – he always lifts our spirits – and we’re just so happy to offer him the love and security of a forever home.”
If you’re struggling with a pet and need advice and support then you contact Blue Cross who can discuss options with you for helping you with your pet and helping to find a new home if needed. For more information visit www.bluecross.org.uk
This is so beautiful!
Lovely. Happy endings, Larry.
What a wonderful story.
Wonderful! New life for Larry.