Hi everyone,
It’s me Rennie here today with an update on our toilet situation! As some of you may remember we got the original litter robot a few years back. And this time around we got our paws on the new and improved Litter-Robot 3 Connect!
Renegade: But at first… I almost got a heart attack! I walked into the kitchen to go well you know to use my toilet and look what I found a toilet all covered in PLASTIC!!!
Renegade: Dear human… I really need to go for a pee, so please can you hurry up and unwrap this!!!
Rennie: At last setup but pleeeeeeeease make it hurry up to finish it’s first cleaning cycle! :O
*15 minutes later*
Rennie: Right now I am all ready to explain how easy it was for my humans to connect and set up the litter robot!
Rennie: The app greeted them with a super friendly and easy to follow step by step instruction list!
Renegade: At first they had to create a cloud account as that’s how it’ll communicate with your humans phone.
Renegade: Aha… so this step was why it started to auto cycle when they first turned it on!
Renegade: An important part is to also set how soon after we have been the toilet will auto cycle! The default is 7 minutes to allow for clumps to form but not too much odor to linger around! Once the timer is reached the toilet will cycle by itself.
Renegade: And the little (or big!) balls of poop and wee will end up in the handy drawer below the toilet. 😀

Freya: Oooooh Rennie! Look it’s got a blue light!
Renegade: Of course! that’s the night light function to make it easier to find our toilet in the dark! 😉

Freya: Do you really have to go all paparazzi on me while I am using the toilet? :O
Renegade: *Munching away in the background* Of course they do! 😉
Renegade: On a more serious note our humans were super impressed with the toilet! While the toilet poses a serious amount of money investment it comes with a generous 36 months warranty and most importantly makes OUR life and THEIR life so much easier!
- Convenience – no longer do they have to scoop multiple times a day!
- Peace in multi cat households – Other cats don’t get annoyed over the mess of the first cat
- Reduction of litter boxes – We now have this one and a backup tray instead of three trays and 99% of the time we use our litter robot
- Save money on litter – Let’s face it the robot is much more efficient at removing clumps than humans will ever be! They are after all a bit clumsy… Our humans think that we use about a third less to half less litter with the robot depending on which litter we use and how well it clumps.
Renegade: And most importantly with the connected feature your human will always know when they have to empty the drawer of your Litter-Robot!
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Renegade the Flash
Her Meowjesty Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
Wish my cats would use a self-cleaning cat litter. If I don’t clean the litter shortly after they do a number 2, the dogs become the litter cleaners. Ugh!
That is a pretty cool litter box but it seems weird to be connected to a litter box through an app.
Maybe after the once-feral cats settle down to a life indoors LOL, because, man oh man, do three cats make a lot of poop!
How is it so far?
Like we need yet ANOTHER app to take up room on our phones. I mean if you are out to work and get a notification you need to take action on … its not like it can do it itself.
I think be it 1 or 4 cats I’d rather have one that takes up less room, and doesn’t take up valuable space on my phone (that is NOT needed) It should just beep when full or whatever.
HOWEVER if it wants to start translating cat to human then I’ll accept an app for it. LOL
(Also In a sense that thing terrifies me. Ii swear it looks like a rocket ship for cats….did aliens come with it?