This past December Teddy lost his brother Mookie to kidney disease. This was just eight months after losing his brother Sammy. Suddenly he found himself all alone.
I would often find him meowing at the bottom of the stairs that leads to the room he shared with his brothers. It was a place to sleep, play or just get away from one another. Now he rarely goes up there.
A few weeks ago I bought him a child’s stuffed toy dog. The moment he saw it, he marked it by rubbing his face on it and they were best friends.

Now he sleeps with it in his bed. It’s a pillow at times and other times he snuggles, by wrapping his tail around the dog.
I never thought a stuffed dog could be so comforting for him. He was very close to his brother Mookie and they would often snuggle together, so this dog was just what he needed.
He looks so happy and content in his bed. I worried for awhile about leaving him when I went out because he had never been alone, but now he curls up in bed with his friend and sleeps the time away.
Teddy is such a beautiful cat, I’m glad he’s not so lonely any more…
Thank you.
sending hugs
Thanks so much:)
Such a lovely story and so happy for Teddy.x???
I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.
always such a painful adjustment to watch. One of mine STILL immediately searches his old mentor’s favorite spots when we go to our vacation home.
That’s so sad. Wish they could understand what has happened.
Awwww, I’m glad Teddy is finding comfort, Correne.
Thanks so much:)
So glad Teddy is able to find some comfort in his new furiend. Animals certainly do mourn and have feelings.
Thank you. Yes they really do mourn for their siblings or friend.