Oliver: What’s in there?

Hi everyone,

Can’t believe my sister was trying to hide this new tunnel from me!!!


Nubia: Hiding it? It’s big! You have just been lazy on the sofa that’s why you missed it o.o

Oliver: No way I was making important decisions about our kingdom!

Nubia: You were snoring…

Oliver: That was me thinking out loud! Anyway…


Oliver: What have we got in here?


Oliver: Feathers!!!! 😀


Oliver: Time to sneak in…

Nubia: You may struggle with your belly!

Oliver: That’s winter fur. 🙁


Oliver: I made it! 😀 But the feathers are gone. 🙁

Signed by,

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Destroyer of Peace

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