Hope the weather is not as grey and cloudy as it is here! But just in case it is – here are some cute and funny cat photos to brighten up your day.
Enjoy and feel free to share your own collection of funny cat photos. 🙂

Picture source Pinterest.
So which one was your favourite? 😉
The kittens are cute, but, funny? Definitely the poor wet cat ?
Haha yeah xD
The white/gray kitty with the orange lion on its head is absolutely adorable!
They’re all so cute, but I really like the last one with the two kittens.
😀 thanks
They are ALL my favorite! LOL
The wet cat, hands down. Says it all about some days. LOL
2nd ascending from the top, though they are all cute.
Glad you enjoyed it
love ’em all
Thanks 🙂
The 1st was my favorite.
Glad you enjoyed them.
Adorable sums it up.
That “After bath” is great, he really didn’t like it.
Haha indeed xD
They’re all great, but I really like the cat in the shark costume.
nice pics bro
Glad you liked them
what happen to cat5 bro?!
You mean the one in the snow?
the cat that is wet
I needed this today after falling. Thank you for the pick me up ?
You are welcome 🙂
Im not kitten but this is the cutest blog right meow
Awe thank you 😀
Would be unfair to point any one.all r supercute
Haha that is true. ?
marc andre can we chat together now?friend
Chat together?
yes now
Ok. Well we are chatting here no?
Love the first? angry but yet cute!
? true