Hi everyone,
Today Bjorn himself is back to talk about his life!:
My New Life by Bjorn the Brave and Beautiful (Braveheart)
I am not sure what happened that I lost my family and I found myself out on the street with no food and no shelter in December weather. I ran and hid and ran and hid. There were coyotes and owls and no food or water. I lost lots of weight and became covered with mats. I was scared, hungry and very uncomfortable.
On December 10. I was captured and terrorized by Animal Control. I was shaved and had lost about 4 pounds, down to 12 pounds. I was stuck in a cage and fed. I have to stipulate that I was fed and it was nice to have the mats gone. Still, I was very scared and I hate men.
No one came to look for me and take me home until December 29, when my new Mom came to look for a special needs kitty and picked me. I had never seen her and I was frantic about being touched, held and stuffed in a carrier.
She took me to her home and I smelled other cats and a dog. I hid under the bed. I stayed under the bed for over two weeks. I even hid up in the springs of the box springs so she couldn’t touch me.
She gave a whole room to be safe in and put out good food, clean water and a clean litter box.
Eventually she would lie on the rug near the bed and reach under the dust ruffle to scratch my chin. I was too scared to purr. She was persistent. She scratched my chin and talked to me at least twice a day.
After a few weeks she began leaving the door to the room open and my curiosity tempted me out into the house. I ran to the bed at sight of her. I am scared of noises and sudden movements. Finally, she froze when she saw me and I didn’t need to run away. Then she offered me a wand to chase and I succumbed. She still cannot touch me except when I am safe under the bed.
While exploring I noticed the other cats exiting the house through a cat door. I went out and she was very upset. I hid outside and sneaked in later. She saw reason and quit blocking the cat door. Even if I don’t have front claws, I am big and strong and no one knows. I can buffalo them.
A big man visits every week and I run from him and any other man. I run from noisy children and their sudden moves, but she has a front porch covered from the weather and I like to sit there.
After six months I let some of her women friends pet me. I am still scared of the man
After a full year, I let the man pet me. He has made no efforts to approach me and I am curious. I have found a hideout under a bush that like in addition the porch. I have discovered a catnip treat in the back yard. This is a good place. I am happy. I remain skeptical of strangers. Anyone who touches me has to earn my trust.
At a year and two months I saw a dog in the neighbor’s yard. I trotted toward the dog and he turned tail and ran.
I have treed several squirrels and have tried climbing a tree, but that didn’t work out.
I am happy with my new life. I want to live here forever.
I have heard her talking about moving to a place with snow. I don’t know whether I would like snow, but she says I am adapted for it. If we are together moving is scary, but ok.
What a lovely family. Well done Bjorn, human and the other residents of Bjorn’s house. 😉
Glad you liked his story 🙂
poor Bjorn suffered, but now he has a loving home.
So happy Bjorn was able to find love and a good family!
What a beautiful cat and wonderful story.
Nellie’s story and her marvelous coat are very similar to yours, Bjorn!
When her mats were shaved off she turned out to be a tiny wee thing of about 6 pounds! She had always dominated her brother/litter mate because she was so floofy she looked ginormous! When her coat came off he realized that she was half his size and paid her back for all the times she pushed him out of his own food dish.
It has been 15 months now, and she is again huge, but he knows her secret and they’ve never patched it up! On the other hand, Nell now lives in the main part of the house with our family. She has gotten s brave that she will tiptoe into our bedroom early in the morning, lay on the back of a chair, and watch the birds in our yard.
Nell also shares her purr with all of now–even our granddaughter, when she visits..
You are a very brave kitty, overcoming everything that happened to you. It sounds like your Mom is a wonderful person.