When I was 3 years old my hoomans child, who was 2, had great difficulty leaving me alone and I got very annoyed and hissed and spat and scratched him a lot, so much so his mummy decided maybe she should send me away to another home where I wouldn’t be so annoyed.
One day a little mini car pulled up outside my house and my new mummy put me in a box and brought me home, where there are no little hoomans, yeah! Now, I was a little nervous for awhile and this new mummy would not allow me to go out straight away which annoyed me greatly. I hissed and spat alot during the 2 weeks I was grounded.

Then one day she opened the back door and introduced me to a whole new world outside which I loved. A large garden with a pond. It even has fish, which I can watch for hours. It’s good to get back home though, because mummy always makes sure there are some biscuits and fresh water waiting for me, I like to have my wet food at mealtimes.

Mummy bought me lots of toys and a new bed but I prefer to sleep in the cardboard box my toys stay in. I only sleep there cos I know it winds her up lol. I love to sit on the stairs and watch the humans going about their business but dear help them if they want past me, learn hoomans, I am the queen of the stairs and no one will pass me without a good nip on your ankles.
Sometimes, well everyday actually, I run around the house like a loony.. upstairs, downstairs, behind the settees, anywhere I can find to run really. My mummy laughs at me when I do that.
So to sum up, I’m really cute, my hoomans love me lots, and I definitely rule the roost in my house, just like it should be.
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Oh why do those pesky humans keep procreating? It is not as if there weren’t enough of them already … But I am glad you found a home where there are no kids!
? that bit about humans made me chuckle
Pingback: Minnie: A Cat's New Adopted Life | Drudge Cat
beautiful cat
Glad you liked the story. 🙂
At least they found you a lovely new home rather than taking you to cats home, or the vet!
Im so happy you found your forever home your gorgeous.x????
Thanks 😀
Sweet. ?
Thanks 🙂
love the story but HATE hearing people get rid of their pet because they are too lazy to parent and Teach the darn kid NOT to tease and hurt the cat.
Frankly I’d get rid of the kid before I get rid of any pet of mine. Once a cat or whatever is in my care, they don’t get brought back for whatever bad behavior. It gets trained. Just as any child would be taught NOT to hit the cat (unless they want to be grounded. and YES I WOULD ground a one year old If I would have to.)
With me you DON’T mess with the pets.
I teased one of my cats when I was little and he swatted me and scratched me near my eye, We didn’t get rid of him. It was my fault and I deserved it and I learned my lesson,. Seriously kids these days really need to learn to fall, take a hit or in this case take a scratch and learn!!! (maybe going down a metal slide in the middle of the hot summer will help with that…cause the plastic ones just don’t cut it!)
A little harsh I feel. If Minnie had got along with the child she would never have come into our lives. She has such an amazing little character, which is down to her first family. She is so lovely & funny & brings joy to our lives everyday, so thank you to her 1st family for allowing us to adopt her.
Let’s not be too harsh. I get what you mean with people that just dump them at a charity or simply outside. But at least this family found a new loving home for their cat and Christine wouldn’t have such a great cat without this. <3