Hi everyone,
It’s me, Rennie, here again! As the weather is getting warmer many of our outdoor feline friends will be starting to be out more again. And sadly this is the time of the year that many of our human guardians will start to worry where they are.
Rennie: This is why I thought it would be good to run through the benefits of our friends & partners product PetPointer again. The tracker can give your humans peace of mind to know where you guys are!

Rennie: Our humans went with the matching Cat-life safety collars which are weight adjustable through a nifty dial to ensure that us cats only lose them if we really have to! After all, you want to make sure that your humans can find you and not a collar with the tracker.
Rennie: Our humans used the up to 4kg version of the cat life collar but it also comes for bigger cats over 4kg!

Rennie: It might look a little big around my neck but it’s not as heavy as it looks! The Petpointer only weighs 28 gram so it’s a lightweight gps tracker in comparison to many others on the market.
Rennie: Plus I am a very thin cat, to begin with…. our friend Mr. Big T. wears it much more pride than myself. ;o He kindly allowed our cat behaviourist to review it with her. If you’ve not seen it you should check out the full review of the PetPointer by Clare Hemington.
Rennie: And if you just fancy a whistle-stop tour of its functionality we’ve got that below. 😀
Rennie: We’ve based this on the test with Mr. T and as you can see we nicely personalised the map with his face. 🙂
Rennie: There are different types of maps such as terrain; street or (Clare’s favourite) satellite. This give a Google-Earth style view of your cat’s wanderings.
Rennie: The cool thing is you can either look for lines on the map to see where your pet has been or you can change it to show a heat map to give you an idea where your pet has spent most of their time!

Rennie: Depending on your humans needs or should we say paranoia they can set the interval mode to check on you every five minutes (uses more battery power) or up to every 4 hours!
Rennie: To quote Clare on the use of the app and our whereabouts:
The app also gives you two types of historical information via it’s History function. One is an overview showing where you cat has been on any given day, in our case, up to a maximum of 10 days which was when Big T started wearing the tracker. The other displays a time-line against which is a list of co-ordinates showing where Big T had been during the preceding 24 hours. For example, if I wanted to see where he was at 10am, I just clicked on the coordinates against that time and a pointer on the map would show me his location. This type of information would no doubt be invaluable in situations where a cat has gone missing.

Rennie: So if you want to allow your humans to always find you and know you are a safe get them to purchase one of the PetPointers! Until the 15th of March there is a 15% discount on all PetPointer and Cat-Life items using besafe during checkout. Based in Switzerland? You can also order ir directly on the PetPointer website.
Rennie: That’s it from me for the day! See you soon.
Signed by,
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
I love this tech idea, although I don’t have anything like it myself. Nothing more horrifying than a cat going outside and not coming home! It gives me nightmares!
Rennie – You are the one who toured Europe trying to get home, right? I hope the guys already have one for you. 🙂
He is indeed the one touring ???