This is Seamus. He is at least 2 years old. He’s a neutered male cat.
He came to us as a rescue cat with his sister Gracie when his previous owner was downsizing to a smaller property.
Seamus and Gracie were both indoor cats. They lived inside a house on a small, quiet road. They were never allowed out so are not streetwise.
When I collected them I was supposed to be picking up two kittens, but their owner decided she wanted to keep them so asked me to take the adult cats instead. She mentioned Gracie might be pregnant (that’s another story).
They were both very scared when I drove them home and after sitting in the cat carriers for half an hour they both ran off and hid. Seamus ended up curled up behind a huge weeping fig we had in a corner of the kitchen.
When he finally came out for food he was still very nervous. It took a week before I could get him back in the cat carrier so I could take him to be vaccinated. Gracie was even worse and when we did get her to the vet they confirmed she was having kittens. Seamus, however, had been neutered.
We tried taking him outside on a halter but he would just cower down and hide under the garden bench. Despite trying to entice him out with food he would shoot back into the house as soon as he could.
At his checkup, they also found he had a heart murmur. Unfortunately, that may limit his life. It’s strange because we previously had another cat which we called Seamus. He also had a heart murmur and died because if it.
Seamus went missing in May while we were having building work done in the bathroom downstairs. He got out of the window and disappeared. The builder was working till 5pm so although we called him he didn’t come back. I started calling and whistling for him every few minutes but there was no sign. It was about 10 hours after he had gone missing when there was a thud from the bathroom. I opened the door and he ran in! He had tried to jump back in the closed window.
I was so relieved. Now Gracie and Seamus play together every day. The kittens were rehomed. They get new toys all the time and had a new cat tree for Christmas. My one problem? I cannot get either of them into pet carriers to get them to the vets for their check-ups!
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I cannot make my cat enjoy the carrier, too. So I “hunt” her into a corner and the only way “out” is the carrier. Even then she sometimes needs enticing (a slight shove with a hand that is covered in a blanket).
I try to minimize the stress for her, too, by not taking her to the vet as often as I should … But when I want another cat to live with her (indoors only at my place), I will have to vaccinate her. *feeling the panick rise in me already*
I know that feeling. She’s less nervous nowadays but I have to back her into the bathroom to do their flat treatments so she gets suspicious!
Thank you Mark x Seamus sends purrs too!
Regarding trying to get the cats in the carrier. Sadly they associate the carrier with unpleasant situations so try leaving the top off indoors and put treats inside for them to find. Over time then start putting the lid back on and keep up the treats eventually they may become happier to enter the carrier.
Yes I just gave them treats. I will have to get the carriers out again….
The cat carrier only comes out when it’s time to go somewhere unpleasant!
Make it a familiar safe place. Bring it out weeks or a month before use. Take the door off. Put some of the cats bedding in it. (So it has their scent in it.)
Then ignore it.
The cats natural curiosity will do the rest.
When it is time to go. Put the door back on.
And a less stressed kitty inside it. ???
I have to give my Siamese calming meds to get her to the vet.
I think I’ve heard you can get things like that. My cats are so fussy though. They only eat one type and one flavour of cat food (after weeks of trying all sorts of food)
IF Seamus’ humans are reading this, please let it be know that if you leave the carrier(s) out for them to sleep in and hang out then it won’t be such a pain to get them in. If they have their own blanket or towel, this is good to put in there, you can een put an old shirt with YOUR smell on it in there so they get used to the carrier.
My cat Sully when we had her we left it out, but once we moved it out of the way we put it on our (indoor porch) and it was on top of 2 big bins, and across from this medical chair. She would either stand in front of the bin on hind legs and and try to open it herself (good thing those 2 spring loaded prong things are there… this cat could have let herself in and out she was that smart if she had the strength and thumbs…)
Otherwise she would stand on the chair and try to lean over touching her paws to the front (cage looking) part. Soo we knew when she wanted to go in it.
That’s brilliant. I will take yours and Sully’s advice.
Hopefully you will get plenty of time with Seamus (although it never seems like enough, I know). I just took in a cat who had to be pulled from the adoption center when he went into what was diagnosed as cardiac failure and then refused to eat. A month later he is a completely different cat and the vet is seriously considering lowering his medication. And the calico I’ve had for years developed a murmur which diminished so significantly the vet said no meds. Thank you for taking in two seniors. Poor Moe was passed over so many times for kittens I think he had heartbreak, not heart failure.
Seamus is only 2 so I’m hoping he will be with us for a few years yet. I hope your cat Moe has a great life xxx
Only two? Wow. Moe had his first checkup today and no murmur. I believe your love will keep Seamus going.
I hope so. He’s symptomless at the moment. But I can’t get him to visit the vets
Aw. Good luck
Thanks xxx