Hi everyone,
Today we are back with our own purrsonal look at the VentiFresh! For the last month, our humans have been trialling this device to see how good it actually is but of course before we get to that… it’s time for some catvestigation. 😀

Renegade: Are the humans trying to say that I am smelly?
Freya: I think they quite rightly are pointing at you there… because you do produce some extremly smelly you know what…
Renegade: WHAT! You are the one that always makes smellies!
Freya: Me? I am far too cute and innocent to do that. 😉
Renegade: Yeah right… that’s what they always say! ;o
Renegade: They weren’t joking when they said that this is one of the smallest air purifiers known to cat- and humankind
Freya: I am more impressed by the fact that it purrfecly matches my colours. 😀
Renegade: Ok, but what do the humans have to say to it?
Freya: They were very impressed! They’ve been running the purifier for about a month by attaching it via the sticky seal to the inside of their rubbish bin. Since we have an automated litterbox the box itself never smells but of course all of the poop balls get emptied from it’s tray into the rubbish bin where they will stay for quite some time before being taking out. Thus the rubbish bin has always proven to be a rather annoying object… stinky of YOUR poop and all the other things humans dispose of in there.
Renegade: Can we stop picking on me, please? 🙁
Freya: Nope it’s too much fun! Anyhow, so apparently since installing the VentiFresh device there has been NO smell from the rubbish bin whatsoever. The humans were also impressed that despite constant use there was hardly any extra usage recorded by the electric smart meter. Thanks to it’s efficient design that works via a micro USB cable the air purifier uses very little power.
Renegade: Ansd where can the humans get it to help them with bad smells?
Freya: That’s easy! VentiFresh is available in the UK via Amazon and even better if you use the code iLovVent during checkout you’ll get £12 off your order. 😀
Freya: Not based in the UK? No problem! VentiFresh is available in many countries around the world via Amazon and if it’s not available in your local Amazon store you can also buy it directly from VentiFresh
Renegade: Missed our first post with more technical details from the humans? Check it out here!
Signed by,
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
Yes, it is amazing how much waste such a sweet, little animal can produce in a week! For those of us with two or more cats using the litter boxes, it is possible to over-power even the best odor-control litter! Though I follow the one-per-cat-plus-one formula for litter boxes, my two prefer to over use one, a sure recipe for a stink problem. This looks interesting!
Same problem with our four. They all four prefer to use one and the same. ?
The kitty litter is cleaned every other day here before the stink starts. Waste in the kitty litter is no joke it is not fun to get rid of but seeing as it can’t fly into the toilet *sigh*, we have to help it along.
If only all cats could use a human toilet and flush afterwards. Sadly we humans to have help along and make it as comfortable as possible for us and our felines. ?
I need a better way to store the waste removed from the boxes daily. I wrap it for the trash on trash days. Most times, enough of the litter gets removed with the waste that it helps control the odor in the container, but not always!
I’ve tried enclosed containers that proved little better than what I have now, but the liners tended to slump into the containers, making removal an ordeal.
I keep my eyes open for new products, but waste containers are like cat toys: No matter how glorious they sound in the advertisements, none truly eliminates the issue of odor.
As for odor control litters, I’ve found a clumping multi-cat one that works pretty much as it claims for my two kitty boys.
It would be nice if they could be trained to use the toilet and flush, but I know my two well enough to know they’d find the water going down the hole fascinating and turn the toilet into a kitty toy! LOL!
Have you tried the litter champ for storing the waste? That seems to work quite well.
No…I’ll check it out, Marc-André!
Pingback: We All Love Our Furbabies but What do we do about Smells? - Katzenworld