Hi everyone!
My name is Freya and I am the new cat on the block. Some of you may have seen me pop-up already but it’s now official I’ve moved into Katzenworld HQ and am here to stay. ; )
Freya: I love being up high and watching the household because secretly I’ve already taken over leading the clowder! 😉
When I first arrived I had to live in the bedroom with my new humans because you know… it was a little scary for a tiny kitten like me. 😮 Especially with Mr Grumps aka Renegade around…
Renegade: What! I am not grumpy!
Freya: You mean “not” like when you found me up here for the first time? 😮
Renegade: *Grumpy* That’s my spot!
Freya: What! How did you get up here?
Renegade: I am watching you…
Freya: Alright alright… I won’t touch any other of your toys!
Renegade: What do you mean… which one of my toys did you touch?!?
Freya: *rushes off*
Freya: Luckily his royal grumpiness only stayed grumpy for a mere 3 days! And I am sure that’s down to my kitten cuteness. <3
Freya: And eventually… He let me share his favourite human with him! 😀
Freya: Sadly the humans seem to be out doing something called work quite a bit… which means things get a bit lonely if you try to sleep on your own in these big scratcher towers. But luckily…

Freya: I’ve got uncle Rennie to curl up with in the Tower of Pooh Tower of Freya and RenRen! 😀
Renegade: Yes… and it is indeed much better to sleep together. <3
Freya: Indeed and there is one more important thing I’d like to include! A bit about my parents!

Freya: First there is my daddy! Hugo, when is not busy going to various International Cat shows he likes to laze about the sofa. 😀

Freya: And this is my mum! Her name is Delilah. 🙂 Both of my parents are Peterbald cats which as you can see most of the time are naked or have very little fur! There as I am a straight coat Peterbald which has fur. You can find more of my parens and other relatives on the Jezebel Peterbalds page on Facebook. 😀
Freya: That’s it from me for today but you’ll most certainly be seeing much more of me soon! 😉
Freya: *Yawns* See you soon.
Signed by,
Prince Renegade also known as the Flash
Princess Queen Freya the Snow Leopard
He looks like a planet , his face looks like xD ??
Haha xD
Welcome Freya! You make a beautiful addition to a fantastic feline family!
Thank you :). It’s amazing how quickly she fit in. ^^
A lovely family. How fortunate you all are to have Freya take charge!
Haha indeed. She is now the leader of the pack. ?
Freya is beautiful and looks to have a wonderful new home. ??
Thank you Ellie. She is a sweetheart and we are very lucky to have her. 🙂
Freya is indeed a wonderful sweetheart! But I do miss my darling Nubia.? is she ok? Please give her lots of hugs and loves for me. And give everyone really good skritches from me too.!???
Nubia is fine. :). The two get along as well. It’s just that I’ve not had a chance to get good photos with Oliver and Nubia and Freya yet. ?
And out of the three Freya and Rennie love each other the most. 😉
Welcome 🙂 <3
Thank you ^^
OhMyFourKats! Welcome home, lovely Freya ?
You are are a wonderful Snow Leopard and Renny aka the Flash will love you furever ?
Your parents are adorable ?
Pawkisses ?
😀 she is actually even faster than the flash we found out.
So not yet introduced to His Meowisty Oliver and his “sister” Nubia? But Renegade and her look soooo cute together. She won’t feel alone then. And she looks beautiful with her “normal” fur – so glad she is not really a bald cat.
Oli and Nubia luckily are fine with her as well. Tho Freya seems to think that Nubia is her surrogate mother. ?
Good news! Then we will for sure see a photo of the two ladies together soon. I hope.
Most certainly. :). I just didn’t have the right photos for that yet. ?
Well, photos aren’t as important as real life. So we will wait patiently.
A warm welcome to Freya! She is beautiful and we look forward to hearing more about her!
Thank you so much. 🙂
Awwwww. She’s beautiful. It’s awesome they all get along. 🙂
Cool cat
What lovely and magical cats! I must admit I’ve never seen hairless cats in person, but their personalities and faces are so sweet! Welcome to the family, Freya!
Freya is a lovely kitty! So glad she’s got a great home and is getting along with the others so well 🙂
Wow! What a beautiful lady cat. And her and Rennie sleeping together is great. So glad he (Rennie) is sharing Iain with her.
Have fun getting all four cats into a family portrait.
Lolol!look at those ears..yoda!
Welcome Freya! She is gorgeous! She looks a little like Rennie. Nice that she’s settling in with her new family. Congrats to all!
Umm excuse me mere mortal. You are spending far too much time doing unimportant things like eating and sleeping when your regal charges need to be introduced to their adoring public. Get the camera out. LOL
? I know I need to take more photos with the others. Especially cute when all four sleep on us. 🙂
Wow! Congrats on the new addition!
Thank you 🙂
Oh!!you are quite lovely I thought you and Renegade were Sphinxs!!it’s the ears,and,dare I say…long noses!!
Hehe. Sphinx and oriental are related. And Freya’s parents were Peterbalds which are also naked cats. 🙂
Hello there, Freya! It’s so nice to formally meet you. Welcome to your wonderful family — you sure did find a terrific one to join. 🙂
🙂 thank you so much. And we are very lucky to have her as she is an absolute sweetheart.
Well that was a surprise a really nice one. Four gorgeous cats together,be good,be happy and have fun. Big hugs and Purrs to everyone. x????????
They all come to bed together at night. 🙂 but Freya and Rennie have a very special friendship already. Took the two a week to know they wanted to be best friends forever. ?
Awww that’s so sweet. x????
🙂 I know if not a little too hot at the moment. ?
Lovely to meet Freya, and good to see that she and Renegade are doing well together. Look forward to seeing her with Nubia.
The two are literally in love now. ?
There will be more photos of Nubia and Oliver with the little one as well. 🙂
Awww ! Will you have little Renegades bouncing around your flat later ? I enjoyed the story and pictures of Nubia and Oliver in their latest story too.
Renegade has been neutered so luckily his initial attempts at… won’t be causing any baby Frey-Rens 😉
Freya still needs to go to the vet but since they are all indoors and the males have been done no risk from Oli either. ?
Whew !
Indeed. As cute as that would be… ?
What a beautiful kitty! I love her markings.
Thank you 😀 and every day her markings are becoming stronger and clearer. 🙂
Welcome Freya ? The Katzenworld family continues to grow ????
Haha indeed. But four is our max or we need to upgrade houses. ?
Do you only have 4 now? I keep wondering if we’ve met everyone. Lol. Freya is beautiful!
We do indeed. ? that’s all of our own cats now tho. 🙂
What a beauty! Looks like she is quite happy! It’s wonderful when everyone gets along.
Congrats on the new Furbaby (even if u guys had her awhile. She is a beauty and LOVE that you named her after the Norse goddess (whose chariot is pulled by 5 cats) I love those blue eyes too!
Believe it or not but at the time of this post she was only with us for just under three weeks!!! Took her a week to make the other three see her as part of the family. 🙂
Credit for the name goes to my friends Jo & Em from Jezebel Peterbalds who named her before she came to us. But just like you we loved their choice so had to be kept! Plus her nickname QSL (Queen Snow Leopard ?)
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cute article and cartoon.
Thank you Crystal 🙂
I have 2 cats and they are super sweet. I love them. Congratulation!!
Thank you Fabi 🙂 And if you ever fancy contributing a guest story let us know.
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