Hi everyone,
It’s me Rennie and my brother Oli here today and our humans got a new accessory for us. 😀
Rennie: It looks like it’s designed to be placed on an existing location to make it more comfortable.
Oliver: Right! Brother! Are you doing a bed inspection without ME here? That looks like a purrfect cat snoozer so will require my testing.
Rennie: What I was here first…
Oliver: Nope I’ll have this one…
Rennie: Waaaah no!
Rennie: Pretty please let me have it!
Oliver: Hmmmm only if I can have the treat box. ;o
Rennie: Fine. 🙁 But now let me trial this! 😀

Rennie: Yes those measurements are just purrfect… I am pretty sure this can be placed inside my favourite basket to make it extra soft in there. 😀 But for now… on to testing it here!
Rennie: *trills* Human! Where are you! I am on the new snoozer and I demand cuddles now.

Rennie: Now this is what I call life… sprawled out on a comfy and soft bed while getting some tummy rubs from my favourite human! All that’s missing is some treats!
Oliver: *Munches in the background* I am afraid you did forfeit those to me in exchange for your bed.
Rennie: Right… I may have to leave my bed for now to go after my brother and the treats… but before I do that I need to tell you all where to get this cat snoozer.
Rennie: Right so this is the Mikki Luxury Cat Snoozer that my humans ordered from Animed Direct which as you probably know they use a lot for ordering food and treats for us! But did you know that they do much much more? Such as toys and accessories like this snoozer. Yes that’s right and it all counts towards the £29 minimum order value for free postage in the UK.
Rennie: I personally think that the snoozer is especially good for cats such as myself that like to curl up in a “croissant shape” and thanks to it’s handy size can even be placed in your fur-friends favorite space.
Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Prince Renegade also known as The Flash!
Well it appears to have passed the all important sniff test! Colette, Simone and our human.
? it’s hilarious how they always do that.
Wow… that’s amazingly comfy ?
Rennie, you are a superb Prince of the Snoozy ?
Definitely passes the Rennie inspection. Looks so comfy. x???
Haha he is good at those tests. 🙂
Oh my God! It’s not a box! (Meaning it’s not square, makes so much more sense) Cheers,H
? circles are just as attractive as boxes. Have you seen the videos of people drawing chalk circles around their cats and they won’t cross it?!?
I bought my cat a fleece lined bed and she won’t sleep on it! Finicky cat on board here!
ha i know that feeling! Some cats are just like that xD
Rennie certainly knows how photogenic he is! Of course having something so comfy to pose on helps.
🙂 he certainly does
rennie <3
a purrrfect time was had by all!
thank you 🙂