Hello everyone,
Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again.
We have setup a Katzenworld Forum and would like to encourage everyone to make their entries for Tummy Rub Tuesday on our dedicated Tummy Rub Tuesday post. Simply leave a comment on the post and attach the image you’d like to use. If you’ve got more than one image to use, make multiple comments!
Alternatively you can still send them in via info@katzenworld.co.uk. Or just leave a comment with the link to the post / photo you’d like us to use.
This cutie was send in by our Twitter friend Heike.
Meet Pepper Cat who was sent in by Pennie via email. 🙂
Our good friend Otis is back for another week of cuteness. Don’t forget to visit his mum’s blog. 🙂
Meet Spazzy II and TigGRRR III who you may have seen in their guest features before. 🙂
This photo was originally posted as part of an important adoption post on plants + pencils.
And in case you missed last week’s post click here to see the full list!
Now we need ALL of you! Do you want to see your cat featured and join our fun blog roll? Follow the steps below. 😀
All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your fur-friend on your own Blog and add your post link and photo into our Tummy Rub Tuesday post within our Forum.
Simply leave a comment on the post and attach the image you’d like to use. If you’ve got more than one image to use, make multiple comments! 😀
Should you not have an own Blog you can participate by sending us an email with your photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk – just let us know what you would like to have listed as source! 🙂
And to make it fair your cat photos don’t have to be a tummy shot we do understand that not all cats like showing off their belly! So any fun photo story will be fine but tummy ones will be even better 😀
And on next week’s #TRT we will be posting photos with links back to all you guys in the weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post!!!
A big thank you to all participants from all of us here at Katzenworld.
Not on WordPress but would like to follow us? We are on Bloglovin too! 🙂
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
Hi guys, here’s a fab #TRT tummy from a #kittie we found on the internet. We’d LOVE to cuddle this… https://t.co/dpIsJOf4cd
Hi fellow cat lovers!!! I’m mom to Calicocoa, a calico/tortie girl, and we live near San Francisco. Calli is also my office manager, and she asked me to show you this blog post, with pictures – http://rosinawilson.com/2018-4-1-calli-om/ – about how good she is at her job.
These are great tummies, such cuties.
Trt just the thing to brighten up what’s been a sh*t week. Thank you all for sharing your fluffy tummies with us. ?????
Cheered me up even with a broken arm. All gorgeous and cuddly. ????
Oh no! Hope it’ll heal soon.
Holy Smokes Otis! Back again! Looks like you got Tuesdays booked up! But we like to see your tummy as much as possible!
Haha he has been missing for a while so it seemed only fair to allow him all of his photos. 🙂
We like Otis! Well, OK then!!
Keep those tummies coming, Marc! They’re too cute to go without sharing! ^-.-^
🙂 we will
Fluffy….so fluffy and adorable ??
Indeed 🙂