Hi everyone,
It’s your favourite and most adorable Ginger Oriental here today! : D Yes me Renegade!
Nubia: I am sure you mean most annoying, noisiest and too much in your face Oriental right? : P
Renegade: No way… I am cute and cuddly and none of the above. But anyway… don’t distract me from important messages. ;p
Renegade: Both my sister and eye tend to get dirt and sleeping dust crust around eyes. Now to most this may seem like a minor thing BUT if left to build up could potentially cause blocked tear glands which may lead to the development of eye infections.
Nubia: *Shudders* Yes I had one of those last year… and it was no fun at all… the vet made them put in eyedrops for a week. 🙁
Renegade: And that’s precisely why prevention can be better than having to treat something like that on!

Renegade: So one of the solutions we’ve found for this is the Frontline Petcare Eye Cleaner which can be safely used to remove debris and stains from around our eyes. Our humans obtained this one from Animed Direct.
Renegade: Your humans just need to apply a bit of the solution to a make-up removal pad or similar. As the solution mimics the natural composition of our tears there is no need to worry about it getting a bit of it in our eyes tho your humans should clean simply around the eyes!
Renegade: Waaaaaaah! I didn’t volunteer for this part of the review! Sister help!
Nubia: No chance… I’ll see if you survive it and if you do I may let them do mine. ;p

Renegade: So I did actually survive this ordeal (fine it wasn’t that bad… I just like to complaint about cleaning!) And if I get a chin scratch or two at the end of it… that is 10 times better! <3
Renegade: In fact a great tip to give to your humans is to ensure that any necessary treatment or cleaning comes hand in hand with a little reward at the end so that we associate that annoying task with a nice reward such as a treat or in my case a chin scratch. 😀

Nubia: What! No not me! Let me check you out first to see if it’s worth my time to get it done. 😛
Nubia: Hmmmm…. Well your eyes do look MUCH cleaner now…
Renegade: Well… I told you I am the prettiest cat out there and now my white fur around the eyes is prestine clean. 😀
Renegade: But now… it’s sister’s turn!
Nubia: What! Nooooo my eyes are fine. 😉
Renegade: No escaping it… sorry!

Nubia: I suppose at least it’s not as bad as the eye drops I used to get…
Nubia: Fine fine you are right it feels much cleaner now.
Renegade: Ah see the pad in the humans hand? The slightly darker area is the smudgy stuff that came of my sister!
Nubia: Hmmmm that’s more than I expected there to be for me. o.o
Renegade: Precisely why the humans thought this was an excellent prevent issue to combat possible blocked tear glands and eye infections from bacteria. See my sister won’t admit it that she struggles a bit in the litter box with her three paws and ends up getting litter dust all over her face… So this cleaning solution is great to quickly get it off her face.
Nubia: Since you gave away my well kept secret don’t forget that they need to use it on you even more as your big eyes quite often produce sleeping dust and gunk around them and the vet said this often happens to Orientals but is nothing to worry about. So you need to use it more than I. ;p
Renegade: Bah siblings! Anyhow… Don’t forget you can get this cleaner from Animed Direct and even better is that you can get free delivery in the UK on any order over £29 so why not combine a regular food order with getting this pet cleaning essential. 😀
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Prince Renegade the Maker of Chaos and Grand Connoiseur
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Nubia to Renegade: Eye, eye, what’s going on here..?
Haha xD
The links do not work, there is no connection.
TopoloD3xter suffers from blocked tear gland (he has only the left eye): he was born with this problem. I must call my vet and show her this product: if it fits I’ll buy it 😀
Thank you for sharing, wonderful Renegade <3
And yes, you are lovely, too, sweet Nuby :.P
Can you try the link again now? Seems to work for me. 🙂
Also if you can’t get them we could see if we can send you one? 😀
Shut your mouth, you racist
Hi Kyle. Apologies but what has upset you about our post?
what beautiful eyes these kitties have. keep them healthy.
Thank you <3 and we will. :)
How interesting. Where in the US can I get this stuff and for how much? I think every cat has this trouble.
I’ll have a look but I’d imagine frontline should be around in the US as well
I’ve only ever seen frontline flea and tick collars.
Interesting I wonder if they are only doing those in the US
My Chelsea is 19 yrs old and I have to wipe her eyes constantly. These might help, I also live in the US. 🙂
It might be available on amazon.com
Hi Renegade ????
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OMG Renegade is GORGEOUS!
Thank you 🙂